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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Already exists

what I as a customer would like to see is a application of public mobile for phones. Where you can easily accessed your account on the go without going to internet searching the site and loging in. Also in this app customer could easily top up with their debit/ credit cards. This idea will be more practical for those who are contanstly on their cell, and with one click can accessed their accounts

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Nonetheless, I think a self serve app is needed. Just about every other provider has one. Even if it's a copy of the self serve website made mobile friendly, it's still needed.
Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
If possible, design the app to Android's design style (Material Design) and iOS's design style. As an Android developer that has both an HTC One M8 and an iPhone 6, it irks me at how carrier apps don't have these easy-to-implement consistent design styles.
Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I agree. Self-serve app will help people manage their plans, addons and usage better. Plus, it may help with top ups as well. 



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

PM should support an all-in-one downloadable app (Android, iOS,BBerry, WindowsPhone) to allow users to track monthly usage (data/text/talk), manage account settings (payments, plan options, etc) and follow community forum posts (similar to Tapatalk).



Hello pav, Excluding community posts, all of the above is available in your self-serve account. FYI.
Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



That is true but there are many people who like dedicated apps instead of websites. There must be some advantage in the backend too or we wouldn't have so many websites (like pintrest or amazon) pushing their apps when you use them on a mobile device or tablet. I beleive even some of PM's "competators" have them. (Bell and Koodo for sure)

Charanth182, I guess it comes down to personal preference. I much prefer websites over apps, though I have some of the latter. Bona fide websites don't normally pose a malware or privacy concern, but who really knows how insecure certain apps are? Perhaps the U.S. NSA does, but the spooks are not likely to spill the beans. We will have to wait for Edward Snowden to divulge more secrets. In short, I favour websites by a long shot. Cheers.
Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

If Snowden has shown us anything its that the NSA has no problem spying on USA's neighbours and allies and we're already being logged. By saying that I'm probably making my trip in September just a little bit tougher 😉


And for the record I agree in the preference for websites, though my reasoning is different.  I figured I'd play "devil's advocate" and explain why it could be a good thing for some, site specific apps definitely seems to be the trend.

Charanth182, Try not to think about rendition when crossing the border. If you are too nervous, you will be subjected to secondary interrogation. If you are too calm, you will be subjected to secondary interrogation. To cross the border successfully, without hassle, one needs to employ the Goldilocks' principle. One has to be just so so.
Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Good advice thanks Martin. Though i think we got offtopic 🙂

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