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Status: Brand new

Offer 2 prepaid sims:


- 10 day Canada wide calling, Global Texting, 150 MB data


- 30 day Canada wide calling, Global Texting, 1 GB data


$5 surcharge for preactivation.


Free mail delivery to Canadian address; $5 standard mail to Europe.


Prepaid with a credit card. Moderator sets up a "Suspended" account with correct available funds but no Expiry Date using credit card info and email address. Moderator emails client with account and phone numbers and activation instructions.


Activated within 24 hours when email that includes the account phone number sent to "" .  Email address must match account. Reply email to confirm activation.


Suggested plan designs picked to be useful anywhere in Canada, allow for contact back home, and be useful for Google maps & checking email.


If really successful, could later be fully automated.

Mayor / Maire

Most people want to get SIM and account setup before arrival in foreign country

So in this aspect a nominal fee to mail internationally would greatly help Public



There are many who travel but i don't know why PM would take this as a priority. There are many concerns and fixes need to addressed about the current systems. Instead of focusing on travellers they would rather offer pre activated sim/plan for Canadians. I just don't see this happening until every single things regarding plans, self-serve and other issues are addressed. 


@NDesai All too true, so I expect a "Not for us" designation.


However, I think my idea in fact costs PM nothing except a moderator's time; hence the $5 charge. Unless I am mistaken, all these processes are already available to moderators.


There would be nothing to prevent Canadians purchasing one of hese two plans. There are only two in order to minimize PM extraneous work.


Finally, I expect many 30 day plan holders to either:


a) create a permanent account at expiry, or


b) donate unused time to their Cnadian hosts who may then opt for option a).


Wait, one more thought. To wit, ideas are plentiful and easy to come by; acting on even one is the difficult task. (Where's a bot when you need it?!) Robot LOL



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