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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Idea completed

I find myself waiting for long periods of time anytime I want to access the payment section of the portal.  It is by far not up to par with other services and deserves a look and an upgrade.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have not had any problems with the portal. I have an account with Telus as well, and PM portal is as fast as Telus portal is.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Just tested... seems to be okay for me, in Toronto over a high speed wired connection and Windows 7.


Yes, sorry - Windows 7... no fancy Windows 10 :P.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@MTAS great chance to get yourself a cup of coffee?  (Or tea, if that's more your thing....)

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
MTAS, I completly agree that some functions of the portal are very slow. I think that updating the servers would be a big improvement, especially because PM is a self-serve, so the users should have an immediate responses.
Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@BAL depends where the problem is.  If it's old or overloaded hardware, then yes upgrading the servers (or adding additional into a load-balanced cluster) might help.  I'm guessing that PM is run out of a Telus data centre, and is probably on adequate hardware.  I'm guessing the issue is software not written to be scalable or performant enough.  Some database tuning might help, but likely that or hardware upgrading would only be a stop-gap.

Mayor / Maire

I suspect overload but yes it crawls sometimes


Status changed to: Thinking about it
Public Mobile
Public Mobile

We have a project for 2017 with the goal of improving speed of the portals, as well as improving the reliability.

Mayor / Maire

@David_J please tell me there is a chance the use history is cleaned up a bit? 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Yes usage history' needed a good cleaning and ability to export/download usage details will be great. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@mjagadeesh@kav2001c clearly the usage history could be improved (filtering, searching, exporting, etc).  But I'm curious what kind of "cleaning" you are requesting?  I'm not being difficult, it's a sincere question for more details.  Cheers!

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