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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Not for us

Hi Public Mobile,


There should be a Pay-Per-Minute rate or an Addon pack for talk.


At this moment with Public Mobile, it's either Unlimited Talk, or No Talk at all. A lot of people, including most younger individuals, only use their smartphones for texting and data, with calling being rarely done.


For me, I don't talk enough on mobile to justify getting Unlimited Talk for $20 a month. I still want to get Unlimited Texting and 1GB of Data for $35 a month, and some (non-expiring!) minutes in an addon or a pay-per-minute rate just in-case I need to voice call.


Every single carrier in this country only offers "Talk", "Talk & Text", and "Talk, Text, and Data", in a generation where people communicate by text, and not talk.


Offering us an option for "Minimal-to-Some Talk" instead of either "Unlimited Talk" or "No Talk. Period." in addition to the "Unlimited Texting & 1GB of Data for $35" package will allow a lot of people to justify switching to Public Mobile.


Original Thread:





Status changed to: Thinking about it
Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired



It's a hot topic! I love the idea as well and I bravoed it as well!!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
Loving it makes no difference, PM has yet to implement any ideas from the community other then Tri-Punch Sim Cards which was a huge money saver for PM
Mayor / Maire

@chukdefatey, I know how that feels, BUT, Maybe just over that Horizen a new Dawn shall spring. Besides, I'd prefer PM takes time to get it Right, then have the Gremlins come out to Muck up the Progress PM has Made

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



Maybe this will be the second successful idea. It went from New Idea to Acknowledged, so Public Mobile recognizes that it's an idea that should be looked at.


Unlike other ideas (which are still amazing!), it will help Public Mobile (and Telus) reach a wider, untapped market of younger individuals across the nation through a "Minimal Calling, Unlimited Texting, and 1GB of Data" option, which will be a huge selling point in a market saturated with the only but dreaded "Unlimited Calling or nothing" option. This will be easy to implement for Public Mobile, as proven by the other addons they have available already. Their sister company, Koodo, already has this addon in-place as well.


I'm happy that two staff members of Public Mobile have bravo'd this idea, and I consider the Acknowledged status as a huge stepping stone towards an implementation.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@PowerLemons wrote:

Hi Public Mobile,


There should be a Pay-Per-Minute rate or an Addon pack for talk.


At this moment with Public Mobile, it's either Unlimited Talk, or No Talk at all. A lot of people, including most younger individuals, only use their smartphones for texting and data, with calling being rarely done.


For me, I don't talk enough on mobile to justify getting Unlimited Talk for $20 a month. I still want to get Unlimited Texting and 1GB of Data for $35 a month, and some (non-expiring!) minutes in an addon or a pay-per-minute rate just in-case I need to voice call.


Every single carrier in this country only offers "Talk", "Talk & Text", and "Talk, Text, and Data", in a generation where people communicate by text, and not talk.


Offering us an option for "Minimal-to-Some Talk" instead of either "Unlimited Talk" or "No Talk. Period." in addition to the "Unlimited Texting & 1GB of Data for $35" package will allow a lot of people to justify switching to Public Mobile.


Original Thread:





Why not just get pure data and get a VOIP plan that would be cheaper? Heck, you can even get free Canadian phone numbers via Fongo and just have that running on your device.


Also, you can't put all younger people into the same bucket, I use voice more than I use data ;). I'm still in my early 20s.

Mayor / Maire

I believe flexibility is KEY

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



Because of simplicity. This isn't marketed to a few people who will put in the effort to find out how to use a VOIP service and don't mind having two phone numbers, it's to the people that wants cellular service like all the other carriers. The majority just wants a flat rate for calling, texting, and data through one place.


For the younger people part, I was thinking about those in the demographic between 16 - 21, as I found that the age group uses SMS and data more while calling is kept minimal.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@PowerLemons, I'm not saying this is a bad idea, more options the better, especially when it comes to being able to build your own plan. 


I was just saying that VOIP part as another alternative which will save even more money, especially if you don't talk much. It's slightly more cumbersome but services like Fongo allows you to call and SMS through a Fongo number in their app and it's free (phone service, unlimited SMS is $10 for 6 months). That means the number that you activate is for data only and everything just pipes through data including SMS.


Anyways, it's just my 2 cents is all.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks OP for this post. Smiley Happy


It is reminiscent of the input in the early days of Koodo that made that flanker what it is today and why we use them in my family both post and prepaid.


I would leave behind the Virgin flex data in a heartbeat for Public 90 day data plans if I could call in emergencies with an add on on our spare cottage phone.  Finally ditch the 100$ a year PC Mobile emergency phone too, Petro Canada 100$ a year for nephew goodbye... Public please take my money and simplify life!


I would gladly throw away an annual or term amount even with expiry of add ons for voice for the peace of mind of having a few minutes or even texts if in a jam - how's that for upping ARPU no questions asked?


Encouraging to see an idea that makes decent margin for a carrier once billing issues and administrative overhead of client tracking by minute on portals and internal tools is factored into total cost of provisioning - comes straight from the community.


Status changed to: Not for us
Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hey @PowerLemons,


Thanks for your idea! While we know that every customer has unique usage patterns for their service, it's our goal at Public Mobile to offer our customers unlimited choices so they can enjoy their service worry free.

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