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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Considering everyone on PM is using unlocked phones and most are quite tech savvy, I really think you need to compete better for USA roaming rates. Unfortunately your options don't compare well to something like roam mobility. Therefore why would I use this compared to just sticking a roam mobility sim inside my phone. Roam mobility costs $5 a day for 500mb of LTE (and unlimited data at slower speeds if you pass 500mb). Also unlimited SMS and calling USA and Canada. 


If you came out with daily/multi day options which compete with others such as roam mobility, more people would use it. 



Maybe something like 500mb + unlimited calling and SMS = $10-12 for 5-10 days, and just raise price based on different amounts of data. However you can determine pricing structure that makes sense yet competes better. 


Edit: I just noticed there is a talk text and data bundle 250mb for $20 good for 10 days. This is the right idea but still cost prohibitive based on easy alternatives, and what if I only need a couple days or 5 days. 


Mayor / Maire

Hey, here's an awesome idea, get your own roaming company started, and do this yourself.


Sure for those who know a local SIM card is a better, and usually a cheaper solution, the sheer convenience of not having to switch your sim, and still being reachable from home, and contacts from the US and Canada via the same telephone number is tremendous.


US Roaming hasn't been here for a year yet, it's still a very new service.

Mayor / Maire

Now now @stonechucker, let's not be too pessimetic.

The night is young

PM still has time to grow

@shawnie_boy, I believe PM can and probably grow, and become even greater

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Just having come back from a 5-day trip to the US, I can say 250MB is not nearly enough with moderate use - gmail + browsing + some VERY limited navigation. 

Mayor / Maire

PM should have more Roaming Data options in their Bundles

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