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why this month I was charge with more

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

this month I was charge with more than my plan and more than in previous months

in my account on Public Mobile charge doesn't appear only in my bank account


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Sorry I was busy and I couldn't read the e-mails, it's true I didn't think about the taxes. I only use my cell phone in case of an emergency. I'm retired and I don't have much activity so the landline is enough.

thank you very much for help

sorry guys, they probably already contacted customer support. that's why they're not responding lol 😂. m.b. 👍

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@nd8  Your credit card charge is higher than that showing in your PM account because taxes are added. All amounts shown in self serve are pre tax. 

Ah yes, @Fedmonster  reminds me of another possibility. If you had some of the $1/month friend referral discounts... PM purged some old no longer valid discounts that some were receiving.


So @nd8  as you can see there are LOTS of possibilities but without more info from you we cant help you pin down what changed your monthly payment amount.



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

There are a couple of reasons you may have been charged more this month, the promotional period for a discount may have ended, you may have forgotten an add on that you purchased, or your plan could be no longer offered, so the rewards may no longer apply. If none of these seem to be the case, some more specifics about your situation may be required.

Mayor / Maire

@nd8  What plan are you on? What were you charged this plan renewal and what were the charges from the previous months?

Yes, highly unlikely the OP was really overcharged. These exact questions show up quite frequently especially with customers at their second renewal as @mimmo said. Or they could have been on one of the 3, 6 or 8 month $10/month reduction promos that came to an end.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@gpixel I don't think this thread qualifies as needing mod support yet.  Most of the time the answer is taxes or rewards etc..  until more info is provided no need for mod intervention.

Mayor / Maire

submit ticket-01.jpeg

@nd8 you can contact customer support here


type "overcharged"

(use the chat bubble options, then click "submit a ticket, click me" option)


make sure to check your inbox(top right corner envelope icon) periodically, for a message


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

dont forget about taxes.  plan prices displayed are pre tax.


if you just recently signed up  with autopay typically you will have paid

full price month 1 

full price -$4 month 2

full price -2 month 3



Not applicable

@nd8 wrote:

this month I was charge with more than my plan and more than in previous months

in my account on Public Mobile charge doesn't appear only in my bank account

Please post a screen snip of your recent payment history in your self-serve account (not the payment method). Blank out personal info of course.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @nd8 


Logon your self serve account and take a look at your payment history.


You can compare the latest renewal charges against the previous ones (for up to 6 months).

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