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when is the proper ticketing system arriving???

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Jeremy_M  when can we expect the long promised ticketing system?


I have been dealing with a missing referral credit for over 1.5 months now. When i contact mods i am replying to one of their replies not creating a new thread.  


I have contacted mods several times to see if there is any progress (Issue was solved then reappeared).    So for  2-3 tickets have been opened up an esalated ticket was just created.


the main point it seems unless i get the same mod,  i have to re-explain what has been happening.  That is the frustrating part,   I know mods do their best, and they are awsome.  Probably long drawnout issues are not the norm and break the system.


There has to be a better way....  which will make it easier for both mods and customers.


Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

@mimmo and everyone else in this thread, yes we're working on a ticketing system. There are many requirements to integrate this functionality into our Community.


The Good news - yes, we're on it and working with Lithium


The bad news - It's going to take a bit more time than expected


Solo Community for support, is something new - especially for a Telecom company, and there are tons of requirements and ideations we need to filter through to make sure things work as they should. So yes @Luddite - patience is key!



@mimmo wrote:

@will13am  this issue happened befor my last renewal 🙂  I'm not really worried as i know PM and teh mods will make thing right. 


I think the whole point of the post was to highlight the failure of the current system and the needless repitition of messages when new mods get involved especially on longer support issues


I know seveal support systems where  you post online and you receive an email reply.  you simply reply to that email and the whole history is there even when a new mod enters. Who knows maybe Lithium does not support a ticketing system and that could be part of the problem.

For tech support issues, I do get a ticket number and so I use that for follow up so that there is no confusion.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@will13am  this issue happened befor my last renewal 🙂  I'm not really worried as i know PM and teh mods will make thing right. 


I think the whole point of the post was to highlight the failure of the current system and the needless repitition of messages when new mods get involved especially on longer support issues


I know seveal support systems where  you post online and you receive an email reply.  you simply reply to that email and the whole history is there even when a new mod enters. Who knows maybe Lithium does not support a ticketing system and that could be part of the problem.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



Yes, a ticketing system would be nice to have. 🙂


@mimmo wrote:

@Jeremy_M  when can we expect the long promised ticketing system?


I have been dealing with a missing referral credit for over 1.5 months now. When i contact mods i am replying to one of their replies not creating a new thread.  


I have contacted mods several times to see if there is any progress (Issue was solved then reappeared).    So for  2-3 tickets have been opened up an esalated ticket was just created.


the main point it seems unless i get the same mod,  i have to re-explain what has been happening.  That is the frustrating part,   I know mods do their best, and they are awsome.  Probably long drawnout issues are not the norm and break the system.


There has to be a better way....  which will make it easier for both mods and customers.

Hey, @mimmo, I have the same problem. It seems to be a hard nut to crack.  Patience is a virtue.  There's no impact until renewal time comes.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Well I didn't think we would see an answer from Jeremy or Dave  to this thread in the next couple days so I guess we have two options laugh or cry 🙂


Yes humor and or a nice plate of lasagna.


@Luddite wrote:

@mimmo Thanks for the solution. Is humour the way to your heart? đź’›


@mimmo Thanks for the solution. Is humour the way to your heart? đź’›

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

I know when it will implemented ---- tomorrow! As is "tomorrow, tomorrow, you're ALWAYS a day away". Robot LOL

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Exact same issue for me.

  1. I am first writing about an issue (last one: I am missing $3 in referral reward even if all referral numbers appear in selfserve, ie the reward is missing but not the referral).
  2. A mod reply with a ticket number and say to wait X business days.
  3. A couple of days after the delay, the issue is not resolved.
  4. I click reply on the last message (keeping the same subject), and I say that my issue is not resolve. I also add the ticket number for reference.
  5. The next mod replying to me (different from the first one) respond something that is not related to the original issue and seems not to have read anything about the ticket number I gave.

I can see two problems:

1. Don't provide a ticket number if there is no such system; or if you have an internal ticketing system for issues sent to tech team, read what's on file before replying to members.

2. Instead of only clicking "Reply", I now manually copy and paste every past exchange regarding the said issue, which is really cumbersome, and start my message by saying "Please read the whole thread"... If support is to be done through the community only, and if all mods are to use @CS_Agent, the least you would expect is 1) that when you click "Reply", all thread history appears (or else, that the mods have to hunt for past messages related to the issue, which is clearly not ideal for them), or 2) a proper ticketing system.


Thanks mods for your hard work 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

it is still somewhat quite unbelievable that the entire support comes from the use of a forum...

Mayor / Maire

Agreed. For a complete online service such as PM, implementing an online ticketing system is crucial. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Luddite  I have bravoed the various ticketing public labs already.  I brought it up in discussons because

  1. this was a small land hopefully polite vent
  2. the public lab seems like the wild west of ideas and need to be cleaned up (one of my lab ideas)

 tagged jeremy (because he or someone else it was Dave) had already mentoned that a ticketing system was being worked on looked into


Going to see if i can find the post Found it from december 2016:

  • The high level of interest in our promotional plan also brought to light some fractures in our systems and opportunities to improve our support. We will be doing an in-depth review of lessons learned once we’re done going through customer support requests, but in the meantime, I wanted to share some of the most obvious opportunities we have identified:
  • A ticketing system for customer support inquiries that acknowledges receipt of your issue, provides a ticket number upon receipt, lets you know where you are in queue and when you can expect to hear back from a moderator
  • A cleaner way to organize tickets by type of issue so we can better prioritize
  • Activating and porting simultaneously failed for a greater percentage of customers than we had seen before so a group of colleagues from our technology team are investigating quick fixes for these
  • Unfortunately, these lessons learned won’t be fixed overnight and won’t be implemented quick enough to improve support for those in the queue right now. But, you do have our commitment that we will focus on improving this process.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

I agree.  It is something PM has said to be working to implement.  

I would love to see a ticket created and the number communitcated in the first reply to the private message.  Also, during busy times, they can add "Now serving: Ticket number ####" on the community landing page. It reduces anxiety when people see work is being done and also gives them an idea of how long it will take to get a solution.  


Check the Public Lab for similar ideas to support, or post your own. The development team looks there for idea, not here. Robot wink

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.
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