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recent influx of calls

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Any ideas why I would suddenly get 7-8 calls from different numbers in the last two days where there is no one on the other end? 


Mayor / Maire

I guess spammers are happy to have a new additional number on their list so they are exploring if somebody is on the other end.

If you do not recognize number or if it is not in your address book just ignore it! If somebody REALLY wants you it will leave voice mail; even though spammers will leave vmail too 'important package is waiting', CRA is calling, etc.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Nothing can be done to prevent those calls, at least, you can receive calls, many customers have reported that they can’t receive any calls.

Mayor / Maire

Its annoying,  but that's normal.  They will calm down after awhile. 

Just ignore them.

Mayor / Maire


Spoof spam calls. I am get them on one of my TextNow number 3 times a day.

i just block or ignore them.

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