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porting number from freedom

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

i just bought a sim today to get public service and i am having issues with porting. I really want to keep my phone number my bill is paid to the old provider. This very frustrating since there is no customer service to ask....please help. 


@nomikhan Review the info provided in the link. If you have additional questions come back and ask them before you get started. Ensure your freedom account is active before you start and you have the account number. All you need is your account #, phone # to be ported and the name on the account. Have an alternate number in case you need to be contacted. (Any number will do....)

Before you start your activation clear your browser and use secret/incognito mode in Firefox, chrome or safari. Have your referral code ready and a piece of paper to write down your email, pin #, password, security question and answer to put away for safekeeping. Have your credit card statement billing address to copy from and use ALL CAPS if necessary. Do not use the apt/unit box and do not put a space in the postal code. And don't use the back button. If something goes amiss and you have to start again...wait one hour for the session to time out. Good luck.


@nomikhan The DBC part listed in a Freedom account is considered part of Freedom Mobile account number.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I followed that already, and tried putting the ticket in which it made me fill the information but didnt let me submit the ticket. 

@nomikhan  If you are having issues setting up your port during activation then you can select a temporary number and then setup the port by submitting a ticket to PM. Just include your Freedom account number, name on the account and the phone number and the moderator will submit the port for you.


To submit a ticket to the Moderator Team, please start a conversation with the Public's virtual assistant, SIMon by clicking the icon below:




If you are still having problems contacting Public Mobile then click here. The link  sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post. The message will be received by the moderator team and they will respond to it. You will receive the response in your private message inbox.

Please note that account verification may be required when contacting the Moderator Team 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

i just bought a sim today to get public service and i am having issues with porting. I really want to keep my phone number my bill is paid to the old provider. This very frustrating since there is no customer service to ask....please help. 

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