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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I changed  my bank account for autopay and I am paying usually around $12  however I got charged for$16. 


Mayor / Maire


Did you switch to the points program? If not are you saying your card is getting charged $60 each renewal and your rewards are not being applied? Check your transaction history and report back.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Did you get this sorted out?  I'm having a similar issue. My plan is $60, so the autopayment is $60, but I have monthly credits for autopay, refer-a-friend, etc that add up to $20. So I only owe $40. I've been building up credits every month. I wonder if you are in the same boat?


@Dumy   What is your usual plan amount?


I do not think you are , but $10 plan is now $13 (but  you should have some loyalty rewards and you shouldn't be paying full amount like that)


If possible, go to Transaction log ( ) and gie us a screenshot  of the last 2 months so we can tell when you are paying more

Mayor / Maire

@Dumy - did you do a top up payment when you changed your bank information?


Check your payment history here:


If the funds are showing paid and added to your Available Funds area, then those $'s will be used on next renewals.


OR, are you saying you usually pay $12 per renewal, but now you are paying $16? Are you taking into account the taxes, which do not show in your self serve but will show on credit card charges/debit visas.

Mayor / Maire


Have you used lost/stolen in the last 30 days?



Or switched and joined the points program?

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