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no service

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So I was given a ticket number and all - but with a gurantee that the new number and new SIM card will work. It is not. I've done all the Simon instructions, but still no service. and now I am here - frustrated and not knowing what to do. I've spent many hours on this phone thing. 



@Anonymous wrote:

Contact CSA's. Solved! Boring as heck. Nobody learns anything. And we know they're often wrong.

Unfortunately, this is sometimes the case.


Yes, CSA's are needed, but man communicating through their ticket process and choppy messages with different agents back and forth can sometimes be so aggravating and unproductive.


So, while I agree they need to help with some issues; I also believe sometimes it could cause customers more grief.

Not applicable

@softech wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

CSA, i get it that but i like them, hhhhh.

but you have to make sure they LOVE  you too... LoL..

no worry.. we are a happy team here.. lot of love and hugs


i love everyone life is short, by happy and help other to god love everyone and keep you very happy person...lot of love and hugs to everyone and CSA,and oracle Team

i appreciate it very much, and thanks a lot....

Not applicable


i understand you and i agree with you 100%, but as i say we need them CSA, and you are right they OP never they post right information for the ask for help, missing all time info.but we all here try to help other but sometime i feel it they other try to kick out the other from here but why i don't know they are all time here for 30 day in communtiy the losing much time to will getting $10 or what ever is $... is it a worth it they other try to give a bad things or try to control other or why, something here i neve understand why they do that maybe they are working with PM under cover hahahahah for what....

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:


i understand, 

i know you and @darlicious  and @softech , not like going to CSA, i get it that but i like them, hhhhh.

 @Anonymous : I'm sure you do. Because it's easy. Customer asks question. Whatever the heck it is. Contact CSA's. Solved! Boring as heck. Nobody learns anything. And we know they're often wrong.

What's that saying....give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach that man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

Pick your preferred gender pronouns.

@Anonymous wrote:

CSA, i get it that but i like them, hhhhh.

but you have to make sure they LOVE  you too... LoL..

no worry.. we are a happy team here.. lot of love and hugs

Not applicable


i understand, 

i know you and @darlicious  and @softech , not like going to CSA, i get it that but i like them, hhhhh.

@Anonymous  please no hard feeling.. just trying to see how we can help CS Agents to cut down their work a bit.. 

@Anonymous   no joke.. I agree we can't solve everything... 


but I think around 25% of the posts, it looks like a CS Agent task but turn out we were able to help (sometimes, cos the OP didn't say thing clearly and we found out OP was asking the wrong question.. sometimes we found out whatever OP wants can't be done and even CS Agent won't be able to help)


for the other 75%, i think we did help OPs to better prepare the case , helped them to gather all the fact or screenshots... and likely cut down the back and forth between CS Agent and OP.   You can see , many posts, the OP and us (other members) have back and forth for over 10 posts .. imagine those back and forth between CS Agent.. it would take them 5 days to get to where we got to in 10 minutes.  So, when OP opened the case, they can tell CS Agent.. done this .. tested that..  and that likely helps  


(yes, probably just I am feeling good adn thinking I am THAT important.. don't laugh at me .. LoL)

Not applicable

 @Anonymous : Sigh. Where did I say we don't need them? Of course we need them to do internal things to accounts. I've never disputed that.

It's jumping to the immediate conclusion that that's the only option open to them where they can do nothing else but deal with the CSA's. I beg to differ.

Depending on the clarity and certainty of the question from the customer, there are few times it's an immediate situation to need the CSA's. Many times it's not entirely clear that the customer knows what they need or are asking. So we narrow that down for them to finally say alright fine then...CSA's. And hopefully we get a good interactive participating customer who is engaged in the whole self-serve concept that this place purports to be.

Not applicable


i understand and i agree with you,

but we need them as them customer service support for that company public mobile...

@Anonymous wrote:


To repeat yet again, since the CSA's can do everything for the customer...why are we here?

We are paid (a peanut 🥜) to be receptionists at the lobby to direct customers to CSA.. LoL

Not applicable

 @Anonymous : To repeat yet again, a purpose of us being here is to narrow down evidence and  ideas and symptoms to finally be forced to send the customer to the CSA's. And in doing so to give that customer the specific items they need to address with those CSA's.


To repeat yet again, since the CSA's can do everything for the customer...why are we here? If you think our sole purpose being here is to be first to tell the customer to talk to the CSA's then that is just sad and pointless.


To repeat yet again, we also know that on too many occasions, the CSA's can be flat out wrong in their "help".

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

 @Anonymous : Well at least you finally acknowledge that maybe just maybe people here might be able to help before sending them off to the CSA's that they say they've already done.


maybe some people getting a help from community member and they are so good what they have of a lot good information,
and some people never getting help from community because they are can't help going in any account and no one can help them only by CSA, because they are customer service support by public mobile....

Mayor / Maire

@noma   Did  you just activate?  Did you activate yourself online or in store?


What kind of phone you have ?  You are cannot make outgoing calls?  And incoming calls not working as well?


What kind of phone you have?  What is it showing on the screen?  No Service?  Was the phone used on another carrier before?



It's possible your sim didn't provision properly upon activation. Have you tried it in another phone? A little more info would help us help you.

Not applicable

 @noma : What have you done so far? What make/model/submodel phone is it? Have you gone through the activation process? Did you activate in store? Did you transfer/port your number from another provider?


 @Anonymous : Well at least you finally acknowledge that maybe just maybe people here might be able to help before sending them off to the CSA's that they say they've already done.

Not applicable


what is your issue ! can you explain your issue is a lot of member here they can help without contact to CSA,

or Explain your issue to Contact Customer Support Agent by  ,
they can solve your issue, they are nice Service Team they will help you 100%.


Here’s How To Contact Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent,

  • you can send a private message to Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, by Click Here link,
  • You’ll need to be logged in to your Community account for the link to work.


  • please include in your message,
  • your account number, 
  • your phone number,
  • your account 4 digit pin,
  • your Email address,


  • Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, will Response to your inbox by private message 
  • During business hours, we strive to answer customer messages swiftly. You will often get an answer within an hour. During peak periods, you may need to wait up to 48 hours.Customer Support Agents are available:
    • Monday to Sunday: 6 AM to 10 PM EST

    Check your private message inbox (click on the envelope top right of your screen)

         Good Luck...

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