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my data

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ok. I have asked for the 3 gigs that was somehow eaten up while I was waiting for another phone. Nothing was really done. And now I'm out of data. I am very choked about this and will be going back to chatter or to freedom mobile when my plan expires on the 26th. And i will no longer refer anyone to public and will have nothing good to say either. Unless I get that 3 gigs back!!!! 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Dogbert wrote:

It's your apps and the operating system within your phone that consumes the data.  It has nothing to do with the service provider; it would be also the same with another service provider.


The PM "prepaid" advantage is that you don't get more data at a premium automatically.  Once consumed, you'll need to add more manually.

I wouldn't necessarily term this an advantage as opposed to postpaaid plans/carriers that simply throttle your speed when you reach your cap (eg. Freedom/Koodo and now the latest promo plans from the mainline brands).


It is what it is ... you buy data and it gets used at the rate you allow it to by the settings on your phone (as you and others have pointed out).

Mayor / Maire

@WarrenRhoads wrote:

Ok. I have asked for the 3 gigs that was somehow eaten up while I was waiting for another phone. Nothing was really done. And now I'm out of data.


@WarrenRhoads  Public Mobile data counter is very accurate and from your usage history combined with the data usage built-in app on your phone your should be able to determine when and how the data was consumed.


I am very choked about this and will be going back to chatter or to freedom mobile when my plan expires on the 26th.


@WarrenRhoads  Being upset is understandable but going to Chatr or Freedom is not going to solve you data usage problem. Data gets counted exactly the same way with those providers as far as I know.


And i will no longer refer anyone to public and will have nothing good to say either. Unless I get that 3 gigs back!!!! 


@WarrenRhoads  Referring friends to Public Mobile is your choice. But from what you describe it appears that the moderator has determined that the data was used so I don't think you're going to get the 3GB back.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@WarrenRhoads wrote:

Ok. I have asked for the 3 gigs that was somehow eaten up while I was waiting for another phone. Nothing was really done. And now I'm out of data. I am very choked about this and will be going back to chatter or to freedom mobile when my plan expires on the 26th. And i will no longer refer anyone to public and will have nothing good to say either. Unless I get that 3 gigs back!!!! 

It's your apps and the operating system within your phone that consumes the data.  It has nothing to do with the service provider; it would be also the same with another service provider.


The PM "prepaid" advantage is that you don't get more data at a premium automatically.  Once consumed, you'll need to add more manually.

Not applicable

@WarrenRhoads wrote:

Ok. I have asked for the 3 gigs that was somehow eaten up while I was waiting for another phone. Nothing was really done. And now I'm out of data. I am very choked about this and will be going back to chatter or to freedom mobile when my plan expires on the 26th. And i will no longer refer anyone to public and will have nothing good to say either. Unless I get that 3 gigs back!!!! 

Phones suck down data. Providers don't push it to the phone.

Check for all settings that use data and switch it all to wifi. OS updates, app updates, app data. Heck...turn off data. Only use wifi. Data usage is all about the phone. It doesn't just conspiratorially disappear.

Mayor / Maire

@WarrenRhoads wrote:

Ok. I have asked for the 3 gigs that was somehow eaten up while I was waiting for another phone. Nothing was really done. And now I'm out of data. I am very choked about this and will be going back to chatter or to freedom mobile when my plan expires on the 26th. And i will no longer refer anyone to public and will have nothing good to say either. Unless I get that 3 gigs back!!!! 

There's nothing this community forum can do to return your data other than suggest you message a moderator for their assistance...Click this to message them

Good luck wherever you end up.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@WarrenRhoads Some apps are running in background even you have not even opened it or used it, it used up data. There are ways to set upon the apps usage. If you want to know how, please let me know. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Sorry to hear that you have finished your data so quickly. If you feel  it is a system issue, connect with the moderator team.



Only PM moderators can help directly with account issues.  What did the moderators tell you?


The PM data tracker is usually accurate.  Did you check the data usage history in your self service account?

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