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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Looking to start in PM tomorrow when my sim arrives.
My question is does iMessage work fine on PM. iMessage activation goes through fine.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I actived a SIM for iPhone and ported my number from Wind, all working fine and no issues at all.   With on my iPhone, I couldn't send/receive pictures from/to iMessage, but now with PM it resolves the issue.   Here what I did...

- active SIM with new PM number

- ensure everything works on the PM number

- port Wind number to PM

- all happened and completed within 15  minutes.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Yes I'm going to port my number over but going to sign up with new number first make sure all is good then port over. I e heard that's the best way to do it.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

All you need to do is take the old SIM out and put PM SIM back in. Your iPhone will do the rest 🙂

Are you going to port your no. over PM? if so, I hope it go smooth.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Thank you

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Yes I think that's the best way to port a number to avoid any issues. Get a new number and then port after you make sure everything works first.  Imessage worked fine for me as well and all settings were automatic.  One person did have difficulty with iMessage his past week but I pointed them to the below article and then hey were all set.  Good luck and welcome to the community!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Great. Can't wait for my sim to come tomorrow and give it a try. I'm going to activate with new number then if all goes through will port later on in the day.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@jgorman, activations are going through successfully for most people.  Literally 100's to even thousands of new activations daily during this promo.  


As for the APN settings on your iPhone, they are automatically set via a carrier update from PM.  You should not have issues with this as confirmed by almost every PM customer on iPhone 5 and newer with the most recent iOS update running.  


If you run into data connectivitiy issues, its almost always because there are multiple profiles on your phone from previous carriers.  Simply removing old profiles helps in these scenarios.  

Mayor / Maire

I was one of the lucky ones, didn't have to touch any apn settings as soon as I put the sim in and my iOS was up to date, everything was fine!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Ok great. Did you have any other problems during activation. Do you have to input all the apn settings manually

Mayor / Maire

Hello! @jgorman iMessage should operate the same as any other service, I have an iPhone and haven't had any issues.

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