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how can pay my parents plan online?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

my parents had 2 public mobile with 10 CAd. i need to pay their plan to active the number again.


Mayor / Maire

@BasamAsaad  If you have access to their selfserve accounts you can sign in add your credit card and enable AutoPay or make one time payments to reactivate their accounts. If you enable AutoPay they will each get a $2 credit every 30 days.


You can also purchase vouchers from retail locations or online from You add the vouchers via selfserve or by dialling 611 from their phones. If you don't have access to their phones you can call 1-855-4PUBLIC and access the IVR system remotely.


Hope this helps.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@BasamAsaad wrote:

my parents had 2 public mobile with 10 CAd. i need to pay their plan to active the number again.

When they missed a payment to their accounts?

You parents' account will be suspended if no payment.  90 days after suspension, their accounts will be canceled.



More details may be helpful.  


Is your parents plan active or suspended right now?  If inactive, how long has the plan been inactive?  

Mayor / Maire

@BasamAsaadThe easiest is to use the selfserve account to pay (there will be 1 email per phone line). Failing that.. purchase a voucher from a retailer and pay for the plans via *611.

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