11-28-2022 04:38 PM
11-28-2022 06:03 PM
BTW.....when you do get your accounts created DO NOT JOIN THE POINTS PROGRAM!! You will lose your $$ rewards and be very disappointed. Just don't click on anything that says "Points" and wants you to check a box....if in doubt just ask the community first.
11-28-2022 05:45 PM - edited 11-28-2022 05:45 PM
Then you must contact customer support with as much info about your account as possible and they will help you create both self serve accounts. Click on the link below and on spoiler in that post and read it. Click on the compose a private message link at the bottom of the spoiler and put " Need to create self serve accounts" in the subject line. Include as much info from lines #1 and #2 in the spoiler. If you don't know the account pin # ( look for your first text from 611 from the time you activated your pm service for a text with your 4 digit account pin #) but if you don't know it the agent (CSA) will ask you a few more questions that you will know the answers. Response time is less one hour.....
11-28-2022 05:20 PM
we have activated the sim cards for two years but never did an account.
11-28-2022 04:53 PM - edited 11-28-2022 04:53 PM
Unless of course you haven't activated yet then you would need to avtivate your Sim card first and your account will get created during activation.
11-28-2022 04:51 PM
Did you activate in store before July 13th 2022? Otherwise if you activated online your account was created during activation. Your username is your email and the password you chose during activation. In store activations that did not create a self serve account before July 13th 2022 must contact customer support to have the self serve account created with their assistance. I suggest you choose the private message option and read the spoiler in the linked post below.....or deal with the chatbot SIMon to submit a support ticket.
That used to be correct......not since July 13th 2022.
11-28-2022 04:42 PM
@leblanclaude480 go to login page. setup the new user. u need your cell#and email.