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changed plan but cannot make phone calls

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks in advance for your help. I am desperate as I have called 611 three times

Phone number is 4 and ever since I changed my plan this morning I cannot make or receive calls person on the other end hears dead air when I call out it fails


What should I do?

Thank you!



Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hello @rrogersmx


I see that you were able to get help by one of our agents over the phone. 


Let me know if anything. 





* Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum.

@rrogersmx Meanwhile, while your service is down you can make/receive phone calls with an application like that from It provides free calling across Canada from wherever you are connected to wifi. Free incoming SMS. I use it on my iPod just for these situations.


Just in case your payment was not applied look at your account. If you see Available Funds = your plan cost, then click Change Plan, pick your plan (again) and activate now. In a few minutes, rebbot your phone and see what's up. 

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@rrogersmx also remove your phone from the post ... ANYONE can see this... 


Only PM the MODS your phone number

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
@Shazia_K if you have time today, here's someone with no service

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Sounds like your port is stuck. If nothing does not happen within serveral hours. You can try tagging one of the Mods in this thread but they are very busy dealing with the recent promo plan porting issues. The first intial respone time is 12 days. Smiley Sad**Btw you shouldnt post your number in a public forum. 


Dave_M had made a support announcement yesterday.


Also try PM one of the mods with your relative Account #, SIM Card# etc.. Follow this link on how to send a private message to a Mod:



**Do not post any of this info on the community threads.



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