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Will there be another promotion in November?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My family and I might be switching over. Heard a lot of people got this plan last year around november: 90 day, unlimited talk/text (canada or province, doesn't matter to me), and i think it was between 12-16gb of data for $40 a month.


Just wondering if anyone has any more info on that.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Do the plans/promotions change every month?


The 9gb canada wide calling, texting, 3 month thing went from $150-$165 😕


Do they change it on the 1st of every month or is it just whenever they feel like it.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I really hope there will be! 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

I woudl do the math and compare what you are currently paying for your family vs what you wuld pay for at the current rates and see if that make financial sence.  (in your calculations dont forget to add autopay rewards @$2/month and referal rewards @$1/month/per referal, if doing a 2 year calclation add $1/month for second year).  


if you are saving money then i would  switch that way you can start earning your loyalty rewards sooner


As for promotions we never know  what/when/how long they will be.  PM might even do a targeted promotion ( specific carrier/ specific province) . 


This is speculation on my part, but if there was too be a 2017 fall promo, the pricing would be $135 based on the current pricing for 6 gigs over 90 days.  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Whenever people keep asking about promotions. no one knows. The only thing you can do is be on the look out for promotions.

At the moment, system isn't functioning very well. So new promotion is very doubtful at this time.

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Mayor / Maire

Its 12GB/90 days promotion.

Its doubt they will have it again, their price went up already.

If it does come out, it will be chaos again like last year. 🙂   

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