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Who knows the best deal for porting to Koodo

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

After reading lots of post here, maybe I should switch to koodo for 6G/$40 plan. But should I do it online or go to Walmart or WOW or TheMobile, etc?



@ssdragon, you are asking for the best deal on the 11th hour for migration.  Honestly, you are a dollar short and a day late for optimization.  Be happy you can get it done before the door closes on the offer.  The offers that places like Walmart and WoW offer are typically weekend deals lasting a few days and the offer changes each week.  Your best bet is just to move asap if that is your intention.  If you are lucky, within a week or so of moving Koodo will offer you $150 extra bill credit to buy selected hardware.  I moved at the end of February and took advantage of this already.  This Koodo offer is not advertised but shows up in your account.  Don't forget to get a referral which will earn you $25.

There's no one universal answer or best place.  There are many factors including: bonus gifts, possible discounted pricing, proximity of nearest store to your home, convenience (ie. being delivered to your home), inventory availability, knowledge of staff, etc.  Do what is best for you.


Places that offer prepaid credit cards as bonuses are usually preferable over store-specific gift cards because they can be used in more places.

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