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When's the best time to resume my plan?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I suspended my plan in May and it says that I have  to reactivate it before August 6th it I'll lose my phone number. When should I reactivate it. Should I do it the day before? A week earlier?

If I reactivate it, will I immediately be charged or will it wait until the day I would've been charged if I hadn't suspended my plan?

Thanks in advance,



Mayor / Maire

Hi @waternlava 

Give yourself at least 5 days. There are times when moderator response took 72 hours. 

To reactivate you first must make payment, your plan will start immediately.

I'm not sure if it's possible to downgrade while reactivating, people have reported failure they had to renew with their old plan

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@waternlava  When you deactivate the suspension make a manual payment for your plan amount. Autopay will not take care of it. 


@waternlava , if you want to cut it real close, I would reactive 3 days before on the presumption that if you need moderator team assistance they could take up to 48 hours.  

Mayor / Maire

@waternlava wrote:

I suspended my plan in May and it says that I have  to reactivate it before August 6th it I'll lose my phone number. When should I reactivate it. Should I do it the day before? A week earlier?

If I reactivate it, will I immediately be charged or will it wait until the day I would've been charged if I hadn't suspended my plan?

Thanks in advance,


@waternlava  Your plan will start again as soon as you reactivate it, Good advice from others here to not leave it to the last day just in case...

Mayor / Maire

@waternlava I would do it at least 5 days before Daniel, in case there's a problem. Your 30 day cycle starts immediately upon reactivation amd you will have 119 days from that date to reactivate it again. Please note just applying the payment will not do it. If on lost/ stolen take it off first if applicable. 



Then you may reactivate a suspended account online or by calling 611.
Via your account online
1. If you have already registered, or will first register, a credit card, go to step 2. OR deposit a voucher for at least your plan cost and go to step 3.
2. Go to the payment tab, select single payment and  amount due.
3. Select the reactivate account button.
4. Restart your phone.
or Using 611 to make your payment: ( you need your 4 digit pin to buy an add on)
1. press 1 to make payment
2. press 2 credit card ( or 1 voucher)
3. press 1 amount due.
4. Restart your phone.


Stay safe. 

Mayor / Maire

In order to keep your phone#, you should reactive it before 90 days.  Probably a few days before you reach the 90 day limit.

I wouldn't wait until the last minute. You could forget or the self serve systems could go down. There could also be unexpected payment issues.

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