09-13-2023 11:28 AM
I tried to log in and said (1) my password/email didn't match. Odd, because I use a password manager. I changed the password and logged in. (2) Logos and images are broken/missing, buttons have no text, site is mostly non-navigable. I try logging using Chrome instead (normally use Vivaldi). (3) Password/email doesn't match again. I go back to vivaldi and use the devtools to try to figure out the right buttons to click, and make it to the credit card change form. (4) I can't click in the box to enter the number. I click over to Community to ask a question, and it asks me to log in, so I do, and it takes me back to my account page. I try again, same thing happens. (5) How do I log in to the community with my own account?? I don't think I've ever encountered so many issues with a website in a single visit. Except maybe Tangerine. I went back to the credit card form and it worked the second time.
09-13-2023 12:05 PM
@FrustratedAF2 , I find that if you are stuck in a loop with login, using a different device is a good way to break the loop. Once you are able to get it, clear the cache and any saved passwords and that should restore normality.
09-13-2023 11:45 AM
@FrustratedAF2 Please try clearing your web browser cache and then using your log in credentials. If that doesn't work trying logging in using Incognito. If you are still experiencing issues you might want to try resetting your password and then try logging in.
Hope this helps!
09-13-2023 11:41 AM
If found out on the launch of Eversafe ID that autofill your name and password won’t let you login to your account.
Try typing in your email and password in and there should be a check mark once you type both in.
09-13-2023 11:32 AM
@FrustratedAF2 .try using the new PM app instead . If still no luck use this direct link to support to help you re gain access
send a private message To CS_Agents click
VVVVV Link below VVVVV
09-13-2023 11:31 AM
try using incognito mode
and do you pick the password from the Password Mgr, really type it out and test
if you are using app, uninstall and reinstall the PM app