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What is going on? Recent issues, fixes needed, keep it pure!

Mayor / Maire

So we have:

New Community format

New My Rewards login

Revised My Account. 


Don’t ask PM to go back to what it was,,,,,,but fix what it is.

Kept it stories please. 




1. Take a Survey should NOT pop up during a post or reply entry. 


My Rewards

1. Why a second login...why not log into My Account, then click to My Rewards 

2. Referral Numbers list should be only the ones that are active. If a full list then status of each number should be provided. 

3. Loyalty should include the start date of your next year of loyalty 

4. Should allow Safari to work with My Rewards. Keeping in mind should be able to access from older devices an iPad Air 1. 


My Account 

1. Should remove the referral code link that no longer works. 




I'm familiar with engineering development cycles. And, more than I like, with the specific flavours (and fallacies) within it which are strongly associated with software development.


I think the full formal flowchart paradigm is very overkill for a simple web forum. Of course the big bureaucratic corporate dinosaur will do things the in the ways the big bureaucratic corporate dinosaur prefers, even when the methodology is bloated and glacial. A whole bunch of extra documentation about what needs to be done and an ambitious managerial strategy about how it will be done ... while nothing worthwhile actually gets done.


The problem here is that the big bureaucratic corporate dinosaur is paralyzed. Doing next to nothing. Not even making a token effort to fix known problems. And it's not that hard ... there are literally millions of website forums out there and millions of online subscription/billing systems out there, many of them work perfectly, some of the best of these are in fact already in use by Telus competitors.



What you do is:

A. Develop a process for new roll outs

B. Proof it

C. Use it!!!!

1. Fix all outstanding issues

2. Freeze all updates and put all request for changes on hold

3. Copy the current system(s) to a back up drive

4. Make the updates 

5. Test it THOROUGHLY....don’t take this lightly 

6. Roll it out for a region or small group as a beta test

7. Get feed back 

8. Make necessary updates  

9. Go back to 5.

10. Authorize a full roll out

11. Roll out 


Mayor / Maire

@dabr wrote:

TBH all of these changes seem such a waste of resources seeing that PM still haven't got around to fixing the payment failures plus just overall making the self serve account more user friendly.   I mean they can't even be bothered to make the Manage My Card font size bigger which should require little effort from their tech team.  🤔

I don't accept these excuses.


Yes, you can't fix everything overnight. You prioritize problems, you focus on important things first.

But that doesn't mean you completely ignore the "unimportant" problems. If you see things which could be fixed or should be fixed then you fix them and move on. You accept the task of attempting to make a perfect, problem-free website. Instead of ignoring complaints you should simply resolve them, you should even make efforts to get ahead and harden the system by anticipating and preventing problems before they can happen.


Yes, you don't always have the time, money, resources, people, and skills needed to get the job done.

But seriously ... it's a web forum and an accounting interface. People figured out these things decades ago, people can be hired to make these things work, to update or maintain them. I don't believe Telus can't afford a small team of talents to deal with the repairs and upgrades, maybe check in once per month to perform maintenance tasks.

This website is Public Mobile's interface with consumers - it basically replaces all the staff you'd see at a wireless store or kiosk. Arguing that they can't afford pleasant, useful, working website is like arguing that they can't afford pleasant, useful, working counter staff.

Mayor / Maire

My Rewards

$11 in rewards. 

“Numbers paid out” in this cycle lists 21 numbers. 

That is confusing. $11 or $21. I know $21 is incorrect but the fact they show and what the title is. 

The 21 numbers, 11 are current, 4 I know I lost, and the last 6 are not my referrals and should not be associated with my account. 

Mayor / Maire

@CountyDownIeUk    I'm quite sure I've seen the start of next loyalty date in the new My Rewards page and don't ever remember seeing that before.  Edit:  having said that now I can't find it, yesterday I was able to see it for two accounts..  Edit 2:  Found it, if you click on Discover Points it shows the start of next anniversary date under Anniversary Points every year.


TBH all of these changes seem such a waste of resources seeing that PM still haven't got around to fixing the payment failures plus just overall making the self serve account more user friendly.   I mean they can't even be bothered to make the Manage My Card font size bigger which should require little effort from their tech team.  🤔

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