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What happens if I switch to a 90 day plan a couple days after my last payment was made?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just like the title says...I switched to a 90-day plan 3 days after my last billing date. Do I just completely lose out on the amount that I paid for my last 30 day payment??


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Some people (used to?) deliberately force their plan to restart/change immediately. So they could refresh their "30-day" data provision.

But you don't get any pro-rated discount, refund, or credit for the unused portion of your interrupted plan. (I have read examples of people getting refunds here over the years, but this seems to be a very rare occurrence and seems to always involve surprisingly large account balances and/or extremely unusual circumstances.)

You also don't get Rewards allocated to your interrupted billing cycle - no AutoPay Reward (obviously, since you've manually interfered with your plan auto-renewal), no Loyalty Reward (days from incomplete billing cycles aren't counted), no Referral Reward (since, again, it's an incomplete billing cycle), no Community Reward (maybe I'm wrong, maybe you could still get a Community Reward, since it's sort of awarded to your Self-Serve account from an "external" source).

Mayor / Maire


as you now know, if you elect to change your plan right pay right away and lose whatever balance of talk/text/data remains in old plan. Whereas if you elect to change your plan at next renewal, the change is sched'd to happen at best time when your renewal is due. There's a tab you have to make your election before change is found out what happens when you make the rong choice. It sucks, we know...consider it a bit of an expensive lesson...if all else fails, read the directions.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1 wrote:

@FlimFlam134  yes you lost 30 days basically , 

Change plan in 3 easy clicks




that sucks....oh well lesson learned I guess

@FlimFlam134  yes you lost 30 days basically , 

Change plan in 3 easy clicks




Mayor / Maire

Yes. There was a warning in the disclaimer box underneath.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1 wrote:

@FlimFlam134  Best to change plan  for next renewal or if you change it immediately you will pay the new plan cost upfront starting a new cycle and lose money in the current cycle you already paid for . No pro rating here 

man, that really sucks...I didn't see the option to change plan for next renewal. I thought I'd be saving money by switching when in reality I just threw money away?

Mayor / Maire

@FlimFlam134  yes unfortunately,Best to change plan  for next renewal or if you change it immediately you will pay the new plan cost upfront starting a new cycle and lose money in the current cycle you already paid for . No pro rating here 

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