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Voicemail system is slow / delayed

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

For the last week I've noticed that connecting to and using the Voicemail system is quite slow and delayed responses.

Usually it's quite snappy.

Anyone else noticing this?


(Hamilton, Ontario area for reference)


@LunchBoxSteve wrote:

Yes full 5G service with full bars.  I can actually see the tower from my window.  It's about 0.25km from house high up on an apartment building.  I also notice that the VM indicator takes a while to disappear from my phone after I delete the voicemail and disconnect from the system.  So I think it's a network issue in my area maybe.  That's why I posted here to get a sense of where the problem is.  Just me or system wide sort of thing.  You all have been excellent in helping me sort this out. 

If you have not rebooted your phone recently, do a reboot and see if that helps to resolve the problem.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes full 5G service with full bars.  I can actually see the tower from my window.  It's about 0.25km from house high up on an apartment building.  I also notice that the VM indicator takes a while to disappear from my phone after I delete the voicemail and disconnect from the system.  So I think it's a network issue in my area maybe.  That's why I posted here to get a sense of where the problem is.  Just me or system wide sort of thing.  You all have been excellent in helping me sort this out. 

@LunchBoxSteve  And you have a strong signal where you are when trying to access the VM ? I know some people n have asked support to reset the voicemail before usually to get the VM notification that seems to plague iPhone 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yeah, tried all the obvious stuff.  Even left it powered down for an hour to give the carrier sufficient time to see it on their network sort of thing.

@LunchBoxSteve  Maybe just give the phone a power down for 5 mins and reboot . 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I haven't opened a ticket yet because I wanted to check on here if others are having the issue.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@LunchBoxSteve I haven't had issues with the voicemail so far. Did you open a support ticket or private message CS_Agent? It could be something that they could fix on the back end for you. 

Mayor / Maire

@LunchBoxSteve  No I have not , but I also don’t get many voicemails either just hang  ups and then a text LOL

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