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Voicemail Outside Canada

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


I'm curious to know if my PM voicemail will still be reachable and functioning for people to leave me messages if I do Not have roaming while I'm travelling in the USA? What if I travel to a country where there is not even a PM roaming option to purchase? I'd like to know if I can at least check my voicemail at a later time even if don't have phone roaming capabilities while travelling. Thanks.


Not sure what tobacco you’re smoking @Mreekster, but your comments have nothing to do with this conversation.


By default, someone calling a public Mobile phone number will go to voicemail.


Pivking up one’s voicemail is easy, just make a call via a usable system, long distance, or web app, etc to your pm number, and away you go.


Email and roaming voicemail packs mean absolutely nothing here.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

What I was told is if you do not buy a voicemail roaming pack and add just data, then you will not be able acces email and even worse no one can even leave a message. Ridiculous you add on and lose your service that you pay for 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

i had no problem checking my VM using google voice when i was overseas.


Picking up voice mail is easy peasy.  If the Public Mobile service is not running, then calls will go straight to voice mail.  To pick up the voice messages anywhere in the world, use an app such as hangouts to call back into North America for free, call yourself and intercept the voice mail system and you will be asked to enter password and listen to any available messages.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville
That's better because even if you leave your phone plugged in i believe you can only store 10 msg only. Per 30 days then after 30 days its get removed and start cycle again.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
That's a terrific idea!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


@In4Lb Load Fongo up on your phone and you can use a WIFI connection to call your own mobile number while away from home.


You can check your vmail by hitting either # or *.... can't recall right now.


It's free, and it works!!

I found this. its from a few years ago for if you want to check voicemails


But i believe people should be able to leave you a voicemail. The calls will just be sent straight to voicemall since you will not have a US roaming add on, or other roaming add ons, ect.


Edit: Please ignore the above link, use this instead if you do want to access your voicemail while roaming


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
I'm thinking people can leave voice mail, but you can't check it from your phone, just like they can if your battery dies.

Unsure if there is any other way to check voice mail.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for the quick responses guys but to be clear, I'm more concerned about someone calling me & being able to leave a voicemail even if I can't check it. I'm not so concerned about ME being able to immediately call to check my voicemails. I want it to be recorded and be available for me to check ... whenever.


And I do not intend to leave my phone in Ontario & plugged in when I travel. Just want people to at least still be able to leave a vm. Appreciate the feedback.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

My understanding is the vociemail is associated with the area code that you registered your phone in. So calling it while out of province is long-distance.  And I don't think you'd be able to call it while out of country if you don't have an add-on that allows such call to your area code.


@In4Lb wrote:


I'm curious to know if my PM voicemail will still be reachable and functioning for people to leave me messages if I do Not have roaming while I'm travelling in the USA? What if I travel to a country where there is not even a PM roaming option to purchase? I'd like to know if I can at least check my voicemail at a later time even if don't have phone roaming capabilities while travelling. Thanks.


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville
I think it would just go straight to voice mail? If you leave your phone in Ontario and turn on. If you traveling to use without roaming. Then i think you won't be able to get voice mail either. More likely if someone call thry probably get a msg like person you are calling is not reachable or something?
Let see what other have to say here.
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