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US Talk and text plan

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I purchased us talk and text on 04 Mar but it would not function in US. When I tried to make a call the phone would end the call after dialing. How do I get a refund?


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


What phone do you have? You need a Volte compatible phone. If it is not on the PM list of compatible phones, you can still try to Google your model of phone and  "enable Volte".  There may be a way to enable volte. Worth a shot. Also, you could message a customer agent for assistance:

Mayor / Maire

what phone do you have? your phone might not have VoLTE or not on PM's VoLTE whitelist

if the roaming didn't work, you can ask for PM to reverse the purchase

open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. (For 2FA when login, you might need to use email to receive if you cannot receive the text on the phone.)  Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen       
Or message them using this link:

CS_Agent will reply to your community inbox, check here:  

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