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Credit card was locked due to fraud, plan placed on hold, cannot activate new card without calling

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


My CC was locked due to fraud, and my public mobile account was placed on hold for non-payment. I have a new credit card, but I have to call to activate it. I can activate it online but I locked out my account while dealing with the fraud (2FA texts were delayed and I kept entering the old code). I scheduled a call-back to unlock my account but apparently that doesn't work either because it's already an hour over-due.

I have debit, but that bank only uses text for their 2FA codes which I don't get because my plan is on hold so I can't access that account either.

I need to call my bank to activate my card so I can pay the plan, but I can't call my bank before I pay the plan.

I need to make one call to my bank to re-activate my plan, but PM won't let me. Please let me make one dang phone call so I can pay you.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That was my plan, but I have only ~$30 left and if it doesn't work I won't be able to eat.

Mayor / Maire

quickest way to get back the service is to buy a voucher.  Buy from Shoppres or London Drug and load voucher using *611 on your phone, or call 1-855-4PUBLIC from another phone

if you need PM to looks further, ask them.   Since you cannot properly login, you won't be able to open the preferred Chatbot ticket.  So, you will need to message them here:

CS_Agent will reply to your community inbox, check here:        


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