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US Roaming Oddities

Mayor / Maire

Well finally got a chance to see what happens while in USA after the new roaming features announced. Couple very strange things (& some that definately require improvement).


After crossing border, phone jumped on to T-Mobile (surprised since I had assumed AT&T would be roaming partner)

They sent me a txt message telling me "welcome to USA, you can get a US roaming add on for as low as $10 for 10 days" (? I don't know about anyone else, but I never saw a $10 plan anywhere?)


First issue- Inaccurate prices quoted

Second issue - Reqiures internet access to add the add-on, otherwise no way to get it 

Third issue - Based on time stamp of txt, I was in USA over 7 minutes before this message was even sent (probably closer to 10 minutes, but I am using 7 as official since that is based on a receipt time to txt time and I was nowhere close to border then)


I only planned to buy a few things so was not really worried about radio silence


But the odd thing was as I drove further away from the border, my phone came to life WITH NO ROAMING PLAN


I next received an email from someone 53 minutes after I crossed border and had driven quite far with a message my phone was not working and to call them back

Then 2 text messages from friends popped through at 68 minutes after crossing border


At this point I was quite puzzled and tried to send a txt back, which showed message actually sent on my phone and person said they recieved it (?)

I instantly received a response from Public saying your current plan does not include roaming to update my plan visit self serve

*edit - I also checked my self serve use and both txt are listed in history


Fourth issue - both incoming & outgoing txt are working (?) but system is prompting me to go online (with no data) to add a roaming plan


Oh and despite no data at all (I tried web browser) somehow BBM messenger was able to sneak through as well 



@kav2001c wrote:

@will13am I am totally assuming data is a bug

But do we have free incoming txt?


Public did have it way back in CDMA days which is why I am curious if anyone else has tried?


We have heard many times its alot of work to patch up the old Public systems


To be honest, I don't have any data points to share on roaming.  I stick to the say as I do mantra; I always buy local when travelling. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@imm1304 yes, my travel companion [fellow PM customer] on a couple of trips has elected not to purchase the roaming add-ons, and was successfully receiving texts during the visit. The first time was not too long after the roaming packs were introduced, and the more recent time was this past Saturday.  

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@srlawren has confirmed on his visit to the US that the incoming sms continue to work in the states.  

@will13am I am totally assuming data is a bug

But do we have free incoming txt?


Public did have it way back in CDMA days which is why I am curious if anyone else has tried?


We have heard many times its alot of work to patch up the old Public systems



I guess there is free roaming in the US until the loophole is patched?

@stonechucker no I disabled WiFi (been attempting to use up my 12 GB lol) months ago


Plus it saves battery 

@Luddite didnt purchase any plan

Thats why I am surprised as both data and txt worked (even if unreliably) while in US


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Thanks @imm1304, I meant to mention that too.


@stonechucker I know what you mean.  I actually am now using a hybrid approach to my US roaming.  I went down to Bellingham for the day on Saturday, and I went back to using Roam Mobility for the day.  I don't anticipate going again within the 10 days, so the PM offerings weren't a great value for this particular excursion.  But for $5+tax I was able to pick up 24 hours of service from Roam, making use of the SIM that's been sitting unused for a while in my 2nd SIM slot.  (I used to use Roam exclusively, before PM offered up their add-ons.).  I think this is the appraoch I will stick with, a hybrid.  If I'm only going for a day or two, I'll just usr Roam and forward my calls to Fongo before leaving Canada.  For longer trips I'll use PM.

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Adding to the conversation above,  its not a surprise to connect with T-mobile.  Both AT&T and T-Mobile are US roaming partners of PM as announced since launch.  


If you prefer AT&T, you can manually select it and it should stick.  

If your WiFi was active, would it be possible you recieved the email via a data over WiFi connection?  I don't fool around with settings, but I'm sure there's a configuration out there that would allow for auto-connection to WiFi if open.


I only ventured over the boarder once since the roaming became available... and I felt I didn't require it for the duration of my trip.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@kav2001c a lot of this is as expected.  It takes time to get the text to you since it takes a little bit of time to transition from Bellus towers as your drive further from the border, and conceivably a little time for the handoff to register and so on.  Also:  receiving inbound texts is normal, as is inability to reply without a roaming add-on that includes texting. As for phone calls and email, that's a bit odd indeed.  Must be a glitch!  Fortunately PM being prepaid you can't possibly be dinged for overages.  

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@kav2001c Which USA plan did you purchase? As it happens, there is a data only plan for $10.

When you login to self serve, what US Roaming plan is showing?

As far as getting a plan while in the US is concerned, it is true you must use wifi and *611 does not yet function from there.



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Mayor / Maire

Quite interesting...

Maybe if you buy the add-on then calls will work but not sms? 😉

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