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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

In spite I paid on August 06, my plan was suspended for unknown reason tonight in the middle of my night shift. So I don't have communication with colleagues and the supervisor! It is really disaster.


A message in my account:

Your account has been suspended. Make a payment to reactivate your current plan.
Suspended accounts are deactivated after 90 days if payment is not received. You will lose your phone number and service.


With who I can contact urgently? I sent private message to Jeremy_M and Moderator_team. Do we have any contact phone with PM? I need communication ASAP!



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



... and for future reference, you have posted to a very old thread. In the future, start your own thread under the appropriate category and it will get the exposure and answer to your questions you're looking for.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@mallinath the way you get support here is to private message the @CS_Agent.  Please do this:


You will need to click here to send a private message to the @moderator_team for assistance. They are Public Mobile support employees who can help with your issue.

In your message please include:

  • PM account email address
  • PM phone number
  • Detailed explanation

Note: Community Moderators are available from Mon-Thursday 9am to 9pm, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9am to 7:30pm [All times in Toronto/Montreal time zone]. You can message them at any time, and they will respond as soon as possible within those working hours. More information about the community moderators.

>>> ALERT: I am not a moderator. For account or activation assistance, please click here.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

You can private message the moderator team. 

If it is a widespread outage.  You may find info on Twitter.  

And they are usually quick to rectify the situation.  Reboot your phone regularly to see if it is working. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

You don't. Support blows.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

my public mobile service is not working where do contact?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

For three now my phone not working, when I try to make a call it say I do not have a long distance plan, 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Comapany is a joke.  Mesage sent 20hrs ago and still not even read.

No explaination, apology, compensation for downtime, compensation for lost sales due to suspension. Guess the only way to get their attention is to consider sueing them.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hmmm something must be going on with PM's billing as I had the same thing happend to me today. I paid $100 to my account - even though I paid up front for a 90 day plan on 30-JUL! That seemed to get my account activated again. 

I am not happy about this. I switched to PM for the cost savings.

Sent a private message over 6 hrs ago with no response yet 😞




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I just got help due to the sam3 thing I added more time cause of work they did credit my account for me they will fix it for you as well so many people were affected by this. Message the mods

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This happened to me too!! I paid in full August 16th and they suspended my account this morning at around 11am ( I didn't realize this was an issue until about 1pm). I tried to pay just because I needed my phone plan working and it kept saying the credit card payment could not be processed.  I'm a real estate agent and I needed my phone to open lockboxes for showings at 2pm. Thank the lord I had a friend that helped me out. I messaged the moderators at 1pm and no one got back to me. But around 330pm my account started working again. NOT COOL public mobile, I almost lost a client because of you guys. Also, the moderators never replied back. The account just started working.  Ughhh very very frustrating. It's making me re-evaluate on whether or not I stay with Public Mobile. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Thanks all!

My 2 phones are also back up and running!
Thanks for the fairly prompt fix, the lack of response was what caused all the anxiety around this situation.
Hopefully, pm will use this as a learning situation! Hoping that the need too never arises!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Agree with many of the comments.


We use our service as the primary means of communication for our business.

I am wondering who we send the bill to for loss of sales due to our phone being suspended without cause?  Easy to take to court and win a judgement as in any guidelines and regulations, they cover themselves for manfunction of equipment like tower, relays etc due to extreme weather conditions or other.  Don't think they cover themselves for wrongful suspensions.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
🤗 my services is back to normal now! I was waiting for 5 hours after I've sent private message to @CS_Agent , service started to work without notice!
Thanks moderators!

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
The read status of private messages to moderators does not work as they use a different system to respond.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Did your service start with or without a reply from the moderator team?
I am in the same situation and my request has not been read.... 6 hours in.? 😞
I will be content if it just starts working.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just signed up with these guys and the same thing just happened if they don't rectify asap I m going to chatter. F*$# this nonsense. I have an autistic son and need to have communication as he is a flight risk etc. Wtf am I going to do if he elopes at school or gets hurt and they cant get a hold of me? what if I need to call telehealth etc? They really need to improve customer relations and provide stable service.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

My phone started to work (at about 13:00).

At least, it is good that it happened before my next shift today. Although, it took about 6 hours after my first message to the moderator team. So, I was really stressed today... It was not funny...

Smiley Sad

We have cell phones not just for fun, we use mobile phones in our work, to communicate with our relatives, to communicate in other important situations.

Conclusion: It would be great if PM had another way (fast and reliable) to contact in such situations. Or/and PM could have a responsible representative for each day (24h) incl Sat and Sun for such urgent situations.

OR - I don't want, but maybe I need to consider to switch to another mobile provider where I can reach a representative very fast.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Update: My service has been restored as of an hour ago.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Thanks @Snowyneko
I've sent private message to moderators, waiting for response

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Update @mike-tile I have been given credit after contacting the moderators! 

Best of luck.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes I did. It even made me go through the whole voicemail process again.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Snowyneko did you got your phone service working after double payment?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just paid the fee again and I'll look to get a reimbursement later, since this glitch is due to PM's services and I need the service immediately.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Same here.
I've changed my plan on August 18th. The payment went through successfully, but my new plan doesn't work and it looks like 30-day pass for $10.00 was charged double time.
Looking to my self-service account I see that the payment has been charged but account is suspended:
Aug 19, 2017 - 4GB at 3G Speed/$40.00
Aug 19, 2017 - Unlimited Canada & US Talk/$27.00
Aug 19, 2017 30-day pass/$10.00
Aug 19, 2017 30-day pass/$10.00

I really need my phone number start to work immediately as the phone number I'm using is for work!
I'm panicking!!!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is the result of a glitch, as many other posts claim, the same thing happened to me and I paid out of panic. Our best bet is to message the moderators.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I've been hit with the same thing and set up service a couple of weeks ago ($240 90-day plan, 12+6 GB bonus LTE data, calling and text). My renewal date was November 3, 2017 so I'm pretty sure the system glitched out for some reason and went suspension happy.


I just sent a message to the moderator team and will update when my account is restored.


For anyone else experiencing the same issue, send a message to @CS_Agent with your e-mail address, phone number and account number (located at the top right of the self-serve page) and let them know your service has been prematurely suspended.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
A friend of mine just experienced this same issue. Best solution is to email the mods. I used to message the pm Twitter account but that's not a service anymore. That used to reply faster

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just singed up for a public mobile plan 2 weeks ago,and this morning it says mu account's been suspended and out of funds. How?? There's no extra charges on my usage either.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I got this today as well. Hope someone can restore the services soon.

Good luck to all!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This same thing just happened to me as well. I just messaged the Mods, but I think everyone is sleeping right now. Good luck!

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