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Trouble using minutes

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi, my international minutes isn't working.


Mayor / Maire

@Maxie-12  Did you just buy add on ? If so reboot the phone first and try again . Also ensure the number your trying to call is on the list of country’s your trying to call . Or is this international mins that comes with one of the new plans ? If so again you can only call the numbers specified on that plan description 

Mayor / Maire

hi @Maxie-12 where are you trying to call? and how you dial?

remember, only these countries are included in the ong distance add-on

**Intl long distance Add-On included countries: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Venezuela. Calls must originate from Canada.

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