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Trouble transferring number

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Transferred number from Rogers a month ago and all of a sudden get message saying number couldn’t be transferred. 


Mayor / Maire

@Bob25  Happy to hear the porting team was able to resolve your issue . And welcome to public mobile 🙂

Some of us like to be able to explain what happened that lead to the problem. It's not a thing to "worry" about per se. This also helps any future readers finding this thread to see the details and decide if this is pertinent to them as well.

So you re-did the port from your account or did you call that number that someone gave you?


good to know!!

As long as it is all good now, no worry about what went wrong earlier

And to confirm, call yourself and make sure the PM sim rings.  Also, if you go to Rogers My Account, you should see the account closed after successful porting 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Had to port a again

Approve what port? From a month ago? Or did you re-do another transfer in your account? And now they see it hopefully will let the number go?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No dual SIM. It's older Iphone

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Everything seems to be getting resolved now. On phone with Rogers to approve the port and then things should go back to normal. Thanks everyone for the help! 

Mayor / Maire


Does your device, by any chance, have dual SIM capability, and did you have both the Rogers and the Public Mobile Sim card in for the last while ?

I would then follow @Handy1 advice and allow him to send you the number to PM to help you port over your number. The reason I say this is because if you try to initiate it yourself, there could be a very good chance that you'll be on the hook for a months charge from Rogers. If PM does it on your behalf, they can advise Rogers this took place a month ago and PM had records of your request. Therefore no charges.

The oddity here is that everything seemed to be working for you. Usually inbound calls would be the last to work. Then you would have wondered why that wasn't working. But apparently it was working so you thought nothing of it. Can you log in to your Rogers account? Did you pay Rogers for a renewal? Did you pay for a renewal here?

So log in here and do another transfer number. Then yes contact Rogers to see if you can do a verbal confirmation. Maybe they'll give you an offer you can't refuse 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm not sure. Apparently I had 30 days to contact Rogers but since I thought everything went through ok, I never did. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Rogers never sent SMS asking for approval. Just got message saying if you made the request just ignore message. This is what caused the issue.


So now I will have to port number again and then call Rogers within 90 minutes to tell them to allow the port.

That shouldn't matter. If Rogers ported out the number to PM, the Rogers account is then closed. If money is owed, they can't port the number back. They'd simply send @Bob25 a bill. But that would keep playing out for months and months till it went to collection. Either way, Rogers can't port number back to Rogers if money is owed.

Mayor / Maire

See, something here is smelling funky. It's been a whole month with no problems then out of nowhere your phone no longer works and Rogers ports back your number?

@Bob25 wrote:

But can I approve the port since I've thrown out the old SIM card since everything seemed to go ok a month ago

Rogers might manually release the number if you get Public Mobile to submit another number porting request.  However, it may be simpler to replace the Rogers SIM card  as the Rogers service is likely still working since porting never completed.

@Bob25 you have to call Rogers and they  agree to allow the port with a verbal approval

If so, login to My account, go to Profile page , and request Transfer again there


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

But can I approve the port since I've thrown out the old SIM card since everything seemed to go ok a month ago

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Ah now I understand. In this case you should reach out to customer service to get assistance and look into restarting the port or what your options are

The below link will allow you to private message a customer support agent directly in order to get support.

Keep an eye on your mailbox here as that is where your reply will come in. 


@Bob25 were you ever able to receive incoming calls on your PM sim card? 

Call your friend now and ask them what number there see in their caller id. If they see a different 0hinr number, them you  could have missed to reply YES to a Rogers sms to approve the transfer and now the porting expired after a month

If that is the case, as long as the Rogers account is still active, you can re-request porting from My account. Let us know and we will make sure you do things right this time 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The number isn't working any more. They set up a temporary number

Here's a weird question, do you still have your Rogers SIM card? If so, shut down your phone and swap it and put it back in. Restart. See if you have service. If you still have service, that text could be right which is still odd. But if you don't have service, could be just Rogers messing with you to get you to come back. I wouldn't put anything past Rogers.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If service is working on your phone with the number you transferred over then I would say this message was sent in error and can be ignored. 

might be worth letting customer service know so they can investigate this bug.

The below link will allow you to private message a customer support agent directly in order to get support.

Keep an eye on your mailbox here as that is where your reply will come in. 

Mayor / Maire

@Bob25  First is the roger account still active ? There’s a number for live support to give status update of the port  and re trigger  it if needed will send you it private message .

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've had no issues all month. Received and sent text and phone calls. Set up VM and everything. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Hello @Bob25 

Up until this message have you had any issues receiving texts or calls to your number? After the message is service to that number still working? 


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