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Text messages not working

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I joined PM today and transported my number from FIDO. I received notification it was successful, but I am not able to send or receive SMS messages (iMessages are fine) on my iPad. Did I miss something in set up to allow sharing? I recall something about a primary and secondary number. I have removed my Fido SIM and only the PM eSIM is on my phone now. Help!


Mayor / Maire

@BJ9   Am I understanding correctly - the PM esim is working on the iPhone but messages are not being shared with the iPad?  If so, go to Settings - Messages - Text Message Forwarding and toggle on sending them to the iPad.

You may also need to go to Settings - Your Name - iCloud and toggle on Messages.

Mayor / Maire

you have your esim on the iPhone and not iPad , right?

after removing the Fido sim, Reset Network settings on the iPhone and test.  If issue persists, remove the phone number in the settings to disable iMessage, reboot and add the number back to re-register imessage 

Then Make sure the iPhone is set to receive iMessages from the AppleID by going to

Settings>>Messages>>iMessage "Send & Receive"

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