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Text messages are using my data?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Starting a new thread here as my previous one doesn't fit anymore.  So i've been trying to figure out where my data usage was coming from.  And now it looks like it comes from my text messages?  I don't think it does but after what I saw this morning, maybe it does?  My mobile data usage was zero yesterday according to the app “My Data Manager”.  After sending and receiving some MMS messages, I saw that my data usage started going up.  I checked immediately after messaging so I'm sure this was causing the data usage.  Then I went into my usage history on PM and checked.  The history showed each transaction as an MMS usage type with a 1 in the usage column.  I know that these type of transactions don't count towards data so I left it at that.  But this morning, I checked one more time, and the mobile data usage from last night got posted to my account.  I'm attaching two pics.  So again, I'm left scratching my head as to what's going on.  As always, your help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.74C3DBAE-40F7-4FFD-96AA-1D43F2F92ADE.jpegAC9B877C-F4FA-443E-B8CE-87B062D9DB8B.jpeg


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jb456 , I checked my usage history and there is something that is definitely triggering data usage when I send MMS messages with a pic.  The immediate transaction shows as a Data Event.  But the next morning, the data usage appears as a web event.  This has been going on for the last 2 months.  It is the org.codeaurora.ims that is using the data.  I located the org.codeaurora.ims and it is tied to my "Phone" app and also to my "simtoolkit" app.


@will13am , if I change the group setting to SMS, then I will get individual replies which is not what I would expect.  I am not sure if that would stop the data usage as I believe all pics I send out is sent as MMS regardless.  


It is only when MMS texts contains pics that my data usage goes up.

@mobileguy wrote:

@Jb456 , I tried all combinations.  In a group chat, all messages, with or without pics show the send arrow with MMS with or without the RCS option on or off.  In a single chat, everything is the same except a message without a pic, the send arrow shows with SMS.

In the app settings under group messaging, you can select whether to send group messages as MMS or SMS.  MMS is the default.  

@mobileguy  I did the test also. Just waiting for PM site to update as they are not showing yet.


I sent myself a picture then a 34MB video through SMS. Then turned on RCS. Sent someone that uses RCS a picture with my wifi on and then with wifi turned off. Just waiting for PM site to update that usage.


Also I found one thread where someone mentioned that codeaurora.ims. Seems like it's something to do with phone calling and stuff. 


"org.codeaurora.ims Do not disable this, it is required to acquire IMS (VoLTE, Wifi Calling APN settings. I wouldn't disable the other codeaurora packages either that deal with Bluetooth)"



Anyways that's another topic. I don't know what exactly it is. I gather something with Android carrier services app.



When you say your data went up. How much did it go up by?..there is a data buffer when data is turned on. Something like. 5.496 MB..if it went up 5MB ish that's just the buffer. Turn data off again and eventually it will drop off.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jb456 , so this is what's happening.  I texted myself a pic with both RCS on and off and both times, my PM usage history shows the transactions as Data Events.  However, my mobile data also went up to reflect these transactions.  The mobile data that was used does not show right now on my PM usage history but like yesterday, I believe it will show as a posted Web event by tomorrow morning.

@mobileguy  ok so those chats you tried. The receivers don't have RCS on which is why it shows SMS/MMS under the send arrow. Unless the group chat has some people using it I don't know how it displays when multiple numbers are in a group chat with some no RCS and some with RCS. 🤷‍♂️🤔


What used your data is whatever codeaurora.ims is? I can't find anything really on that. Some type of thing with Android I guess. (Maybe someone else on here knows?).


Can you test some more out to try and pinpoint it?


Maybe first start by looking through your Usage history in your PM account and see if you can find "Data Events" for the pictures you sent this morning?



Instead of the "web" screenshot you posted. 


Also text yourself a picture. Simply open your message app and press start new messages then type your cell number in and send yourself a picture. It will come right in on your phone then PM usage history should show like my screenshot. "Data event" with "MMS" on the right.


I went through all my usage this last week with about 100 MMS pictures sent/received and they all show "Data Event". I have RCS turned off.


If you can't find a "Data Event" for your pictures this morning. Then turn RCS back on and send another picture message to the person or group you sent to this morning. Then check your usage history again and see if it went to "Web" then check your program again that is watching your data and see if that codeaurora.ims went up higher. Maybe that's part of RCS who knows and then you found the problem?


I'll continue trying to find more on this codeaurora.ims Google searches has not provided anything specific as of yet.


So test that out if you can. Thanks!.




Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jb456 , I tried all combinations.  In a group chat, all messages, with or without pics show the send arrow with MMS with or without the RCS option on or off.  In a single chat, everything is the same except a message without a pic, the send arrow shows with SMS.

Mayor / Maire

@mobileguy  haven't looked at the 3 things yet but just wanted to comment on RCS.


If you have the option turned on and go to send a picture message you see two different things.


For someone that also has RCS turned on you see simply the send arrow.




Sending the picture will use data or wifi.



For contacts in your phone that DO NOT have RCS or do not have it turned on sending a picture message you see MMS underneath the send arrow.




Sending the picture will use the traditional SMS/MMS system and it does not count towards your data.


If you turn your RCS back on now and add a picture (don't send it just add it) to the person you were talking to before. I bet it would only show the arrow and not MMS underneath. Meaning all your text and picture messages to that person have been going through RCS and using your data.

@mobileguy just noticed your other screenshot. With the 3 things. Looking into that now. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@will13am , I don't have any instance of APK Mirror installed on my phone although I do know that is a website where you can download previous versions of apps.

@Jb456 , I'll turn off that feature and see what happens.


@mobileguy  RCS. It's a featured rolled out to Android phones so you can chat, text, pictures like Apple's iMessage. Over Wi-Fi or data. Only with others that have it on there phone and turned on 


I have it to but leave it off all the time. I don't see a need to use it.


You probably should turn it off.





@mobileguy wrote:

@Jb456 @totalUser , I am on Android and using the default messaging app called "Messages".  I checked the settings and "Enable chat features / Use Wi-Fi or data for messaging when available" is set to ON.  I believe that is what @Jb456 refers to as RCS chat?  I do find it a coincidence that right after I sent/received these MMS messages that my mobile data went from zero to 2.88mb and then the 2.88mb was posted as a "Data Event".  I did find the apps that used up the 2.88mb.  Not sure if there is anyone technical here that would be able to decipher this.Screenshot_20201017-091514.png

These 3 items do not appear to be related to RCS.  The big one is apk mirror.  You have tethering and some OS related data usage.  Anyway, MMS that is piped through the proxy server is not counted towards data usage.  To use MMS, data needs to be enabled which makes it available for other services that rely on data.  It is a double edged sword.  BTW, RCS works on WiFi.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jb456 @totalUser , I am on Android and using the default messaging app called "Messages".  I checked the settings and "Enable chat features / Use Wi-Fi or data for messaging when available" is set to ON.  I believe that is what @Jb456 refers to as RCS chat?  I do find it a coincidence that right after I sent/received these MMS messages that my mobile data went from zero to 2.88mb and then the 2.88mb was posted as a "Data Event".  I did find the apps that used up the 2.88mb.  Not sure if there is anyone technical here that would be able to decipher this.Screenshot_20201017-091514.png

Mayor / Maire

What app are you using for messaging? It's got using sms. Is you use imessages you must instruct it to use sms. If you use TextNow or similar they will use data. I know some of them offer to be the default sms app, I'm not sure how you tweak them to use your sms instead of data or even if it's possible

Mayor / Maire

@mobileguy  That is not an MMS. Something else on your phone used your data. 


The screenshot you posted says "web" meaning something on your phone accessed the internet. Be it browsing the web, or an app, or phone downloading an update. Could be anything but it is not and MMS.


This is how MMS display.



Notice it says "Data Event" and not "Web" and also on right hand side it says "MMS".



Thinking of this now. Do you use RCS chat on your phone? It's a feature like iPhones iMessage but for Android phones. Using this feature allows you to text and send pictures over wifi or data and it does not use the traditional SMS/MMS system. You also can only use it with others that have that feature turned on.



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