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Subscription Change- Existing Customers

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi , want to my subscription to $ 29.00 30 GB ? but cant see available for my account . How can i get it ?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

If I port out (losing my rewards), do I have to wait for a certain amount time before I can port back in to take advantage of this plan?  In my case, it's worth losing my rewards for this $29 plan which doesn't seem to expire.  I'm on a $55 plan with a 15 mo $20/mo discount promo which expires next month.  

@RMM_0717  That’s true what @TheSterlinger  says about old $ rewards so in that case  if your on old rewards saving $7 every 30 days you can still get the 60GB for $40 and with your $7 off that’s $34 $1 better then the new activation plan  50GB for $34 so your still comming out ahead of the new activation plan does. 

Mayor / Maire

Keep in mind if you’d like to create a new account as @Handy1 said will lose all your current rewards or points in you care about  those. 

Mayor / Maire


This offer is only for New Activations Only as you can see by this screen shot. This offer is sadly not available to current customers. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. However, there is nothing stopping you from getting this plan. It would just mean you’d either have to port out your number to another provider, lose your number and start fresh, lose your Legacy Rewards if you have them. Some stuff to consider before starting fresh.




Mayor / Maire

@RMM_0717  sorry that plan is only for new activations , not existing customers . Can always create a new account with new email like I did to get the new hot plan of your choice 



Mayor / Maire

That plan is only available for new customers.



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@RMM_0717 it may mean u are not eligible for i

But send cs_agent a message to check! 

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