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Sim card activating

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello, I can't activate Sim card. Don't see place for voucher, only credit or debit card.


Mayor / Maire


When you activate your SIM on the PM app, you require a CC or debit card and once it is created you can use vouchers.

But what you could do is to purchase a reloadable Visa or MC from a supermarket, gas station or pharmacy.


Mayor / Maire

@Hlib97  Like to add you can do the activation with a pre paid visa too

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @Hlib97,

Your activation process is funded by credit card or debit. If you already purchased a voucher, it can be used to pay for subsequent payments. 

If you cannot activate your SIM card for other reasons beside the payment method, please let us know and we can help you solve that problem! 

Mayor / Maire

You can activate account with credit card only.

Another option (been available in the past) is to ask agent to open account for you and immediately suspend it. THEN you can pay with voucher and start using it.

Talk to agent or open a ticket.

You are talking to customers like yourself. Agents do NOT monitor nor accept requests through this forum.

To Contact CSA-agent:

Ticket has to be opened through chatbot -

Just type ‘ticket’ and follow prompts. Having a ticket is preferred way to contact agent as they might respond faster then receiving personal mail.

If opening a ticket does not work very first time, contact agent directly: send a private message to the CSA - agent by clicking (Ctrl+) Here

Agent’s response is usually between 15 and 120 minutes with a ticket. Private messaging might take longer.

Mayor / Maire


that's correct. You need to use cc or debit for initial activation..then subsequant renewals can be paid with other methods if you wish.

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