02-13-2017 12:46 PM - edited 01-05-2022 01:44 AM
Hi All! I've been very happy with the PM service since I joined up at the end of December. However, I've run into an issue that I haven't been able to resolve through private messaging. I have the plan that includes unlimited provincial talk. It's been working fine except for one exchange in Northern Ontario. When I try to call a number in the 997 exchange area, I'm told the call can't be completed because my plan doesn't cover the area.
I lived in the 997 community for the first half of last year. When my son sighed up with PM back in May. He tried to call me and experienced the same problem. He came to the forums with his problem and was immediately given the $8 add on so he could make the call, and the problem with the exchange was fixed in a few days. My experience has been different. I contacted a forum moderator on Jan. 10 and received a reply the same day asking for more details. I responded immediately. I didn't receive a reply from the moderator by Jan. 22 so I reported the issue through the automated support request email. I received the automated reply saying I'd receive a response in 48 hours. That was 13 days ago. So, a disappointing response or lack of response compared to my son's experience for exactly the same problem.
I had to make an important call to the 997 exchange so I bought the $8 addon for 200 mins. of province wide calling and it worked fine, however, I should not have to pay for an addon when the addon service is already part of my base plan. Come on folks, let's get this problem resolved!
02-20-2017 06:14 PM
Thanks for everyone's responses. I tried everything suggested, but nothing has worked 😞
A moderator contacted me today so hopefully the issue will be resolved soon!
02-20-2017 10:30 AM
Hello @int19,
I'm sorry to hear about this,
Can you please send me a private message with your Public Mobile phone number? as well as the reason for your inquiry, I can't seem to find your last interaction with us.
02-20-2017 06:00 AM
To the original poster, have you tried dealing a +1 before the 10 digit number? I've had to update many of my contacts with this prefix to complete calls. I'm in the shared 226 and 519 overlay in southern Ontario, and this has allowed previous long distance messages to be bypassed and completed normally.
02-19-2017 11:45 AM
02-13-2017 03:35 PM
The "Contact us" form is the worst way to get support, IMO. PMs with the mods is much better/faster/more reliable.
It sounds like your initial conversation with the mods just fell through the cracks, which DOES happen occasoinally sinec they don't have a real ticketing system to track issues with (we're told they're working on it, but it's taking quite some time). One of the mods should be able to help you out, if they were able to help your son out before.
02-13-2017 03:35 PM - edited 02-13-2017 03:35 PM
For a temporary work around you can use the app hangout dialer and make sure you verify your number in settings. That way the outgoing calls will show your phone number and it will be free to US & CA.
You will need the app hangout too I think.
02-13-2017 12:53 PM
@Snowcruncher The mods and tech team are usually the best option to solve this issue, but if they're been unable to solve it, i'm unsure what the community can do besides offer suggestions.
Hopefully someone on here has maybe experience this before?