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SOS Status

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My phone is continuing to stay on SOS. I have reset my phone and don't know how to fix this


@jono1210111 and test the phone with another active sim to confirm if it is a device problem 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ok I will try this, thank you

@jono1210111 could be compatibility issue

what brand model is that?

start with Reset all network and see if it works

if not you might need to wipe the phone and reset to factory default 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It says the phone is clean. It works in a different phone 

@jono1210111 it's a phone isue

please check if your phone is blacklisted:

if it is clean, try to put another active sim card in your phone and test 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@jono1210111 wrote:


The sim card worked in a different phone. Does this mean its the phone not the SIM card?

It looks like there is a problem with your phone. Is your phone brand new or used phone? If it is used phone do as @HALIMACS suggest to check if your phone is in blacklist or not.
Try reboot your phone and reset your phone network settings. Try manually connect to PM on your phone if it can't automatically connect to PM.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


The sim card worked in a different phone. Does this mean its the phone not the SIM card?


@jono1210111   it is not a new activation, is it?  It has been working and suddenly broken?

Best to test the PM sim card in another phone if you have one around.  That confirms if it is a device problem or not.  Also, by doing so, that is worst a sim re-provision and could resolve your problem

Even if you do not have another phone, please reseat the sim card.  Power down the phone,  then remove the sim card , wait a minute and put it back in and power up to test.

And I know you had that problem since May 31st? you have opened a ticket yet?  If not, please private message support:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Mayor / Maire


Try your PM SIM card in another (known to be working) device to determine whether account or device issue.

Also, check your device for blacklisting, though likely not the issue, it could be:

Check the Status of Your Device in Canada |



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