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Rewards converted to Public Points: what are the practical consequences?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


When logging in my Public Mobile account. I got a notification:
> Starting May 2024, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program

Which has a link to a detailed page Moving to Public Points which has a section:


What is the difference between the old Rewards Program and Public Points Program? What do I keep? What do I lose?

For detailed comparisons and what changes to expect, please refer to our current help articles.


But no link given to explain further. Can you please help to fill the missing information?

Basically, in a bill of $34 which has the following lines:

  • Reward - AutoPay: $2.00
  • Reward - Loyalty Recognition: $2.00

Which make the amount to pay = $34 - $2 -$2 = $30 + $3.90 HST

What would the bill above become when Public points kicks in May 2024?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Is it legal to just eliminate previous loyalty rewards?

Class action?!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Oh I get that. Doesn't mean they don't deserve to hear feedback in response to their actions. Also, if they raise costs, people might start shopping around. 

@Thammer1 wrote:

I got to this train a little late, but man is it disappointing. They marketed it as some great thing, but I did the math for my bill:

Old rewards: (39/month - autopay reward of $2 - loyalty reward of $5) x 12 = $384/year

New rewards: (39/month x 12) - (39x12)x0.05 - loyalty reward of $10 = 434.6

I am now paying $50.6 more a year.

I mean they gave me some free data that I will never be able to use, so thanks...?

Points were never designed to be better.  Whenver any company makes changes to some type of loyalty program, the result is usually worse for the customers.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I got to this train a little late, but man is it disappointing. They marketed it as some great thing, but I did the math for my bill:

Old rewards: (39/month - autopay reward of $2 - loyalty reward of $5) x 12 = $384/year

New rewards: (39/month x 12) - (39x12)x0.05 - loyalty reward of $10 = 434.6

I am now paying $50.6 more a year.

I mean they gave me some free data that I will never be able to use, so thanks...?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


I’ve only seen $15 used as the example threshold for redeeming and not the idea of $15 or more. Is this documented somewhere? Cheers

hi @Tritanix I can only say no one likes it

 But all businesses will change the rewards system for the worse once they have good market share , it is sad for consumers 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you everybody to clarify the downsides of the Public Points system. I wish the official documentation Overview of Public Points could have a concrete example comparing an invoice before/after the change to "Public points" to better highlight the differences (more exactly the loss).

I understand companies try to save money. I would be understanding if the company just say outright, the new system will cause you some credits loss, because we are in economic difficulties.

But the way the strategy change is communicated make the move looks suspicious causing loss of trust instead of empathy. Reading quickly Moving to Public Points gives the impression that the new system is more flexible. And in particular seems as having no adverse effects from the end-user point of view. All of those huge docs, finally explain much less than a few sentences that every members in this thread had given. Those who wrote those Public Mobile help article should go back to school to learn how to do basic maths. A concrete example is shorter and clearer than long articles, which, finally doesn't explain much.


Q1. What is replacing the "Reward - Loyalty Recognition: $2.00" in my current bill?

it’s no longer a per month reduction. It’s an annual reduction of 10 points, which is equal to $10. It never goes higher than that

Q2. I see often the answer "after you collected 15 points, go to Reward site and redeem for $15 bill credit". Is it just an example or is it because the "redeem point to dollar credits" works by bucket of 15 points?

one must redeem at least 15 points to equal $15 but you can redeem anything above 15 in smaller increments at one time, for instance, 15.5 points for $15.50

hi @Tritanix I dont see why $60+ more.  

You need to pay $48 more from $4 lost per cycle

but you get 1.7 points back, that is around $20.  Also, you get 10.points for anniversary rewards.  So, your lost should be just around $20 per year 


and yes, bill credit redemption is every 15 points

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hTideGnow wrote:

now, you need to pay fill price first every month.  But get 5% back in points (1.7 points for $34 plan)  And also friend referral in points

then after you collected 15 points, go to Reward site and redeem for $15 bill credit 

$2 off reduced to $1.7 ? Ok I can live with that.

Q1. What is replacing the "Reward - Loyalty Recognition: $2.00" in my current bill?

Q2. I see often the answer "after you collected 15 points, go to Reward site and redeem for $15 bill credit". Is it just an example or is it because the "redeem point to dollar credits" works by bucket of 15 points?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

What a joke. I received the text message saying I had 30 GB of extra data, good for 150 days. Logged in to see what was the scoop. I've got more data than I can use, 50 GB extra will just expire. It seems to be the way it goes these days. Companies bait you to sign up or shop and just when you have a good thing going they take it away. This doesn't surprise me at all with Public being a Telus company. I'll certainly be looking at pother options down the road.

Also, Loyalty is No longer $15 per 90 day or $5 per 30 Day


It's 10 points per yr

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1 wrote:

@Tritanix  It’s all bad news Basically you will pay $50-60 more a year 😞you will get 10 points back once a year and 5% back in plan spend . Once you have 15 points you can redeem $15 off your bill 

Can you please give more details about the $50 to $60 more a year? For example, would this be because of the -$4 in my above example would no longer exist? Which would explain paying $4 x 12 = $48 per year.

But then what are the 10 points back and 5% back in plan spend ?

Mayor / Maire

Essentially, take Auto-Pay, Instead of $2 off per 30 Day, or $6 per 90 day, it's 5%


So, If Bill was $50 per 30 Day, No $2, it's literally $2.5 in points 


Or if you have the $34 Plan, Ya get $1:70 back in Points 

Mayor / Maire


now, you need to pay fill price first every month

but get 5% back in points (1.7 points for $34 plan)  And also friend referral in points

then after you collected 15 points, go to Reward site and redeem for $15 bill credit 

Mayor / Maire

@Tritanix  It’s all bad news Basically you will pay $50-60 more a year 😞 you will get 10 points back once a year and 5% back in plan spend . Once you have 15 points you can redeem $15 off your bill 

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