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Remaining minutes

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi. I received a text saying I have 10 minutes remaining in my plan. I am at 90 out of 100 minutes.


but I’ve also only used 134 out of 500

long distance Canada wide minutes. I was wondering if it will just start using the long distance minutes even for local calls, or if I would need to buy more local minutes? It doesn’t seem to be an option, there’s a $5 for 500 Canada wide but it’s long distance.


  • Data & Add-OnsAmount Used
    $0 Free Holiday Giveaway: 500min INTL Long Distance incl CA & US
    134  /  500 MIN

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@esjliv lol 😆 - thanks for the laugh and your reply

Mayor / Maire



And the best part about the $5 add-on for 500 minutes is that this item will stay on your account until it is completely consumed.


So you need not concern yourself with losing it when your cycle ends.

Mayor / Maire

@error wrote:

Hi. I received a text saying I have 10 minutes remaining in my plan. I am at 90 out of 100 minutes.


but I’ve also only used 134 out of 500

long distance Canada wide minutes. I was wondering if it will just start using the long distance minutes even for local calls, or if I would need to buy more local minutes? It doesn’t seem to be an option, there’s a $5 for 500 Canada wide but it’s long distance.


  • Data & Add-OnsAmount Used
    $0 Free Holiday Giveaway: 500min INTL Long Distance incl CA & US
    134  /  500 MIN


@error  your UserName is just 'Wrong'.

Get it...🤣 Oh, I crack myself up!


The message you received was for your PLAN Minutes. Which is great the Public Mobile lets you know that you know you will be kicking into your ADDONs soon, until your Plan renews.


I agree with @darlicious that the addon you can purchase for $5/500 Canada Wide minutes. It is the best option to have here.

This way you will save on the "$0 Free Holiday Giveaway: 500min INTL Long Distance incl CA & US", just in case you ever need outside of Canada calling that is included in this addon.


At $0.01 a minute its a bargain. You will just automatically switch over to your minutes add on once your plan minutes run out. The holiday gift international minutes add on once recieved can also be used for Canada wide calling along with the US and the list of international countries.


If you want to save the holiday gift add on for calling internationally (up to $0.05/min depending on the country) then make sure you purchase another $5/500min add on before it is completely used up so you don't start using the more valuable holiday gift minutes (worth up to $25.)

Mayor / Maire

@error wrote:

Hi. I received a text saying I have 10 minutes remaining in my plan. I am at 90 out of 100 minutes.


but I’ve also only used 134 out of 500

long distance Canada wide minutes. I was wondering if it will just start using the long distance minutes even for local calls, or if I would need to buy more local minutes? It doesn’t seem to be an option, there’s a $5 for 500 Canada wide but it’s long distance.


  • Data & Add-OnsAmount Used
    $0 Free Holiday Giveaway: 500min INTL Long Distance incl CA & US
    134  /  500 MIN


Yes, it will use the long distance Canada wide minutes after the alloted minutes are fiinished.

Mayor / Maire


The $5/500 min add on is for anywhere in Canada. Across the street or across the country.

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