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Registered card

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Why am I receiving a message about my registered card for autopay expiring?


Mayor / Maire

@Bonbon Login to your self-service account, select Manage Card, and update info there.

@Bonbon go jere to update your credit card.

Make a patment.png


When entering your debit/ credit card information:
1. Enter the credit card address exactly as it appears on your statement ( capitalize all if necessary ).
2. Leave the apartment field blank, if applicable enter your apt in the street address field ie xxx - street address.
3. Enter your postal code without spaces ( if there is a space on the credit card statement then enter the first 5 digits only with the space).

Stay safe. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Good thanks

@Bonbon  no it needs to be updated if you have any problems updating your cc come back and we can walk you through it 😁

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ok thank you I thought it would just carry through since it’s the same kind of card.

Mayor / Maire

@Bonbon Have you received a new credit card recently if so you have to update your card in your self serve account or your old one will  expire and your account could go into suspension for nonpayment

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