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Public Mobile Manager Response.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hello PM Community, I feel that I had to share this message received from a PM Manager. Her response was based on a message sent for manager to review crediting account due to inconsistent data speeds. I came to them with respect about my Public experience being much worse than with Freedom Mobile and I get a heated emotional response from a company that is part of Telus:

Check this out. Do you want to support them. You might get treated like this next:


Hello there,


Catalin here, Manager within Public Mobile.


I have checked your situation and I want to pint point some aspects:


1. If you are not so happy with our services, what keeps you to move to another carrier?


2. You think you can use some sort of leverage on us, to offer you some credits....that will help you with what? since you're unhappy with our services....


3. A tech ticket was sent, now you have 2 directions to follow:


- to wait for the tech ticket to be solved, without asking any other credits or compensations that will not be provided, just so you know from the start


- to port your 2 accounts to another provider and think to Public Mobile, only when you're capable to think outside the in what affects the services and what a provider faces to be able to provide you a decent service!


I return to an original thought I had, why you activated in the first place with us, if you're clearly so unhappy with us?


I am sure, being so well informed, you have checked before how Public Mobile works and how are our services, as in I think you did your homework's.


Honestly, I do not really expect a reply from you, because I have already made a whole picture about...this situation.... but I do expect at least some decency on your remarks.


All the best,




Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Sansan  @Handy1 

To be honest with you, that's true if you're overall satisfied with Public Mobile. I'm at the point where I already have been having issues with them. 

Public has very slow 4G and 5G speeds depending on time of day. At least in my area north of Toronto it can get dead slow where you barely can load Google. 

I have an uncle with Telus, he has same issues. There's even reddit posts online about Telus network going down hill. It's crazy to imagine Freedom has more reliable service where I am. Freedom speeds are more consistent and reliable. Public speeds are hitting 0.67mbps download. Never had this with my Freedom plan.

Just last week I was on ground level inside a washroom in Markham, ON.... Public had no service. No bars at all. Freedom Mobile still had bars and I was able to make an outgoing call.

Freedom is more reliable where I am. I have both carriers are 2 phones. Based on historical evidence and reddit groups I can confirm Public and Telus might not be better. Its hard to think about it lol.

@ipro31  I wish freedom mobile was in the maritimes , that would be a no brainer move for me 

Mayor / Maire

A few months ago I contacted them to change plans to a new activation only plan and 2 reps said no. 

I asked to speak to a manager and the 'manager ' came back to me with the response that "they will not waste my time anymore and just confirm what the previous reps stated and if I continued to ask for this plan the answer will always be no".

The good thing here that the remarks or comments of 1 person, doesn't reflect that of the company as a whole.

Let nothing or no one surprise you. 😒

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


I agree. I already have both Public Mobile and Freedom Mobile. I don't need 2 carriers lol

Mayor / Maire

@ipro31  If you haven’t any friend refferals then I would take their advice and bounce . With out friend refferals PM not worth the glitchy at best of times services dropped calls / stripped legacy rewards expiring data add on and so forth 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@ipro31, the manager's reply is very unprofessional and disappointing to see but not likely something the company would be endorsing or proud of. Thankfully, I have not had to deal with any mangers, only one kind CS agent but maybe you can reach out to another CS agent to see if they can help or at least escalate to the right person as the manager you dealt with certainly doesn't sound like they would be willing to go any further with you

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Yeah, so that was a manager. Her message to me was first interaction after my initial chat got escalated.

Mayor / Maire

wow, interesting

but if you want PM to do better, you need to ask them escalate to another manager for a review 


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