07:05 PM
- last edited on
10:54 AM
I'm out of country right now so am not using my PM phone. My account is still current so if I was in Canada my phone would still work. I am just using my phone when I have access to WiFi. The problem is my phone suddenly started giving me alert messages saying I have voicemail. The messages are coming in continuously every 3-5 seconds. I tried calling the voicemail number using a different phone but when I entered my voicemail pin it said that it is not a valid code ( or mailbox). 1) Can anyone tell me how to access my voicemail when I am out of country?
2) Any ideas what to do to get my phone to stop with voicemail alerts?. I can't even use my phone to access WiFi because the voicemail alert repeats continuously.
01-16-2023 09:17 PM
Thanks for all your suggestions. However, nothing has worked. Everytime I have called the voicemail number and put in my code it just says that is not a valid mail box, so I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm back in Canada and my PM phone will work. As for the continuous voicemail alert messages, rebooting my phone didn't work so I finally just turned off my phone and left it for several days. When I turned it back on, the continuous alerts seem to have stopped. I hope that will continue to be the case so that I can use my phone to access wifi.
01-09-2023 04:01 PM
@J-L you can use a VoIP app to call yourself and access voicemail
Download VoIP app TextNow, pick a Canadian phone number and you can then use the app to call like a real phone in Canada
01-09-2023 03:24 PM
@softech I tried doing the voicemail password reset as you suggested but after initiating password reset it says I have to call my own phone number, I can't do that from own phone as I'm out of country right now. When I call from a different phone it of course only goes to voicemail for me to leave a message.
01-09-2023 03:19 PM - edited 01-09-2023 03:53 PM
@computergeek541 I tried to reset my voicemail password from my profile page. I clicked the button to initiate password reset. Then it tells me to dial my own phone number and follow the prompts. I cannot phone my own number from my phone. I'm out of country and my phone won't work for calling. I tried calling the voicemail number that the voicemail alert says to call ( using a different phone). It will not accept my password ( and now password reset is initiated but I can't finish the process) . It just works as though I'm calling myself and prompts me to leave a message
Do you have any other suggestions as to how I can listen to my voicemail messages while I'm out of Canada and cannot use my public mobile phone?
The voicemail alerts are continuing every 3 seconds. It's burning up my battery and so annoying when I try to use wifi
01-03-2023 07:59 PM
Thank you for that suggestion. I will try that.
01-03-2023 07:57 PM
No my voicemail code is not same as my account pin. I will try your suggestions . Thank you.
01-03-2023 07:08 PM
@J-L wrote:I'm out of country right now so am not using my PM phone. My account is still current so if I was in Canada my phone would still work. I am just using my phone when I have access to WiFi. The problem is my phone suddenly started giving me alert messages saying I have voicemail. The messages are coming in continuously every 3-5 seconds. I tried calling the voicemail number using a different phone but when I entered my voicemail pin it said that it is not a valid code ( or mailbox). 1) Can anyone tell me how to access my voicemail when I am out of country?
2) Any ideas what to do to get my phone to stop with voicemail alerts?. I can't even use my phone to access WiFi because the voicemail alert repeats continuously.
Please remember that your voicemail password is not the same as your account PIN (unlesss you set it that way). Please log into your Self Serve account to reset your voicemail password. As for the voicemail alerts, I would try leaving yourself a message and then listenning to it by calling in to check for new voice messages.
01-03-2023 07:07 PM
@J-L you can login My Account , go to Profile page and reset Voicemail PIN there