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Price increase? Public Mobile 90-day plan with 4GB/month, billed $38/month instead of $36

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I signed up for the 90 day plan last year with the auto pay which should bring the total bill to $36x3 + tax.

I just went through my credit card bills, I was charged for that amount only on my first bill and then the fee seemed to go up $2 for each month.

Yet, my plan is still showing $3 loyalty reward and $6 autopay reward.

Anyone has a clue why this happens?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yeah, my initial charge was lower than I was expecting. Saw people posting about a glitch with how the HST is handled.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@ogsarigat  you are absolutley correct the forum is full of answers.  Many questions seem   to repeated far too often (sometimes right after each other) 


just glad you found the answer you needed.:)

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Gr8 work.. 


So lovely.

I was exactly wondering the similar question and found the solution here..

Hats off man. 

Thnx everybody here whoever keeps contributing.

Keep it up.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I think you're right!

Thanks everyone!

@mimmo hey you left out a very important name Cat LOL




Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@et3rn1ty,  Don't want to assume, but I think the mystery is sovled. 🙂


I would  just would like to point out this is exatly how the community and PM is supposed to work. Ask questions,  community members give opinions based on experience and if nessisary  OP is told to send messages to the mods to escilate the issue.


Great work @NDesai, and @kav2001c.






@et3rn1ty For the very first pre-paid bill during activation, i am sure you paid the full amount ($120 + tax). Since you probably enabled AutoPay during activation, you got the $6 AutoPay credit as a Available Balance. This balance was used on your first renewal and also the recurring AutoPay rewards. That is why i think your bill was $36 (- $6 balance & $6 autopay rewards). After that, you are correctly being charged. ($120 - Rewards + tax). This price will not change, and the loyalty rewards you just earned will subtract on your next renewal. 

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

@et3rn1ty was it? Ok fair enough I just remember reading that it caused all kinds of confusion when implemented


Since you joined during Fall promo I *think* loyalty reward of $3 should be on next bill; just make sure it shows on profile as pending rewards



The other thing that (probably) happened is account credits

During that busy time many issues happened (eg port problems, plan problems, even lost SIM cards) so I am guessing you received a credit for the days not in service


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Oh right the base plan is $120/90 days

Now it makes me wonder why the charge was only 120.96 in one of the bills. That was in Feb last year. the HST thing was from a couple years ago so it shouldn't have any impact.

@et3rn1ty oh I get it, the bill history is confusing heard that many times before Cat Wink


Automatic Topup = amount your card was charged (in this case $114 + taxes)

This is correct amount ($120 - $6 auto = $114)

Your Loyalty reward ($3) is NOT on this bill so I am assuming it shows up next payment (365 days have not elapsed exactly yet, but you do see reward in profile right?)


$114 * 12% = $127.68 


BTW as near as I recall, BC INCREASED your tax rates (anyone else help me out here with date) after the province rejected the HST

I am willing to bet that would be the difference in pricing


Oh one other note, your tax rate is also based on your phone number but I am assuming a BC number here

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

this is what shows on the payment history.

When i went back to my credit card statement, i got charged 120.96 the first time (36*3*1.12), I am in BC so 12% tax. But the subsequent charges were 127.68 (38*3*1.12)


Oct 29, 2017Unlimited Provincial Talk/Appels Illimités dans la Province $51.00$0.00
Oct 29, 2017Unlimited International Text/Messagerie texte à l'International $45.00$51.00
Oct 29, 201712GB Data/Données 12 Go $125.00$96.00
Oct 29, 201790-day pass/Passe de 90 jours $25.00$221.00
Oct 29, 2017Fall 2016 Promo/Offre de l’automne 2016$126.00 $246.00
Oct 29, 2017Automatic Top-Up/Réapprovisionnements auto.$114.00 $120.00
Oct 29, 2017AutoPay Reward$6.00 $6.00

Mayor / Maire

Plan was $120 for 90 days

You get a $6 credit for autopay which reduced cost to $38 NOT $36 @et3rn1ty


@et3rn1ty wrote:

I signed up for the 90 day plan last year with the auto pay which should bring the total bill to $36x3 + tax.

I just went through my credit card bills, I was charged for that amount only on my first bill and then the fee seemed to go up $2 for each month.

Yet, my plan is still showing $3 loyalty reward and $6 autopay reward.

Anyone has a clue why this happens?


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

can you post an image(s) your payment history?


I am assuming you are including taxes as all prces dsplayed are pre tax.

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