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Possible Security Breach - Random Charge

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



Just wanted to see if anyone here had any random charges from public mobile a few months after service cancellation(port out)?


My parents were with PM until May and then we ported out to Koodo. 

But in August I received a random $3x.xx charge on my credit card and contacted PM a few days later regarding the charge and provided the information they needed.


They told me it would take up to 30 business days to see a refund.

Up until yesterday I haven't heard or seen anything yet even though I have followed up a couple times in between August and yesterday. They always told me that they are busier than normal. 


Yesterday comes and they finally tell me that they cannot find any record of the charge to my credit card and to do a chargeback from Visa.

I find it rediculous that they have dragged this on for almost 3 months and then ask me to do a chargeback after Visa's standard chargeback period. 


Why wouldn't PM have any records of a charge to someone's credit card? Was their system hacked and charging random people small amounts?

Should you be concerned about your card security?


Thoughts? Should the CRTC be contacted?



@Farn228, if you were promised a refund, I would think that's money in the bank.  If you kept records of past discussions, they should be used to continue the discussion.  Your are not the only customer to mention lost accounts.  I wonder if there's been change to the self serve portal that affects moderator team access to closed accounts.  In any event, if you are unable to get the promised refund use the previous discussions to initiate a CCTS complaint.  This knowledge base article provides detail on using the CCTS to resolve issues.


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