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Porting issues

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My phone did not port over. Old provider said that the port request is missing the account number.  How do I get public mobile to send a new port request?


Mayor / Maire


Whether you are porting in or porting out.

Left the old SIM in your phone and wait for a text confirming your are porting out. There is a 90 minute window for you to confirm.

If you miss replying to the text, you will need your new carrier to restart the porting process. Also make note of your old account number to port in to the new carrier.

@esjliv I agree I read it two or three times myself lol 

Mayor / Maire

@Mbroom - re-reading your post again, are you porting TO Public Mobile or porting OUT of Public Mobile to a new provider?

This line confuses me for some reason "Old provider said that the port request is missing the account number." How does your old provider know that if you are coming to Public Mobile?





do you have the account number now?


if so, you can call the porting team and update them with the account number and ask them to re-request porting


I will send you the porting team number.  Please check your Community inbox on the top right, envelope icon


Mayor / Maire

@Mbroom - log into My Account to obtain the account number under the PROFILE tab, or check for activation emails from public, they should have the account number in the TO line of your email.

Then provide that to your new provider. They take care of the porting details from there.

Make sure your Public account is in ACTIVE status though (if going to Telus or Koodo, these may be exceptions).


EDIT, I read you were porting OUT of public mobile to somewhere else...sorry, i think you are porting over to Public Mobile.

Call @RossN 's number, if that is the case, and they should fix your port up.

Make sure your old account is ACTIVE; a successful port cancels our old account automatically.

Mayor / Maire

@Mbroom hi I will  PM you the number to call to reinitiate port request 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


open a ticket with PM CS_Agent. at :

type: Contact Us and Other 
Finally Click here to submit a ticket
you will then direct to another page to open ticket.

If you have error submitting a ticket, send a private message to the CS_Agent:

check inbox(top right corner envelope icon) for response from CS_Agent.

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