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Porting from chatr to Public Mobile did not go through

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



I just ported my number yesterday evening and it hasn't gone completely through. I can make outgoing calls and receive texts but cannot receive any incoming calls to my Public Mobile phone. I used a pin number for porting as I didn't have the account number at the time. Could that be the problem? Could Mod please take a look @Saray_O


Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hello @jolivesman


Sorry to hear about the porting issue. 


Can you please send me a private message with


-Public Mobile SIM card #

-The phone # you are porting

-Account # with your old provider





* Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
They close shop at 4:30 on Sunday but they will be back at 9 am est and start replying again. Best of luck. The PM moderators are great!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I sent the message to Saray but haven't gotten a response yet.


I just checked @Saray_O is online at the moment.  OP, after you send the private message, I suggest you continue to use your Chatr SIM until it stops working.  It is the best indication of a completed port. 

@jolivesman  who did you send the message to I think Mary is the mod that is on today


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks ajanda! I just sent a private message so I'm waiting on a reply. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hi @jolivesman your port is stuck it just went through 50-50. A fellow PM member experieced the excat same problem during the Fall 2016 promo. Using the Account # should always be the first option when porting. Contact Chat-R customer service and ask for the account number. Then Private message the mod with all your Chat-R information and they should be able to take care of everything else.


How to private msg a Mod:


*** Do not post any of this info on the community forums

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