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Port still incomplete - November 19

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

 Hi Public Mobile Team,

Anyone up for fixing a Koodo Prepaid port today? Service totally unusable. I had sent a message to Mary M on November 19th and my message hasn't been read... 😞

Please PM me today if you can help!



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Tried it all - but thanks for posting!


If not done, try this:


Bear in mind "Do nots” for port-ins:


- if coming from Koodo do not use the same email address for Koodo and Public Mobile

- do not request the port-in during activation; take a temporary number, log out, confirm all services are active, log back into your account and select Transfer Number under Change Phone Number

- do not use any identifier except your account number EXACTLY as shown on your bill; it is the best item for any port-in request

- do not make any errors in the Authourized User; this must be EXACTLY as it appears on your bill

- do not use your number as the Alternate Number; use someone else's

- do not forget to click "I am authourized ...." BEFORE you entering your number (courtesy imm1304)

- do not cancel your account; that will happen automatically



>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.
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