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Phone on Caribbean Cruise

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



I've searched the Community and can't find a recent answer as to whether we can get voice and text while on a cruise (cellular at sea vs. in port). There was a community post in April 2017 (I think) that was equivocal re: text. There was also a post in 2015 stating that there was no service outside of Canada (although that now has changed with US roaming add ons). What is the definitive answer on getting service while at sea on a cruise ship?


Thank you in advance for your help!


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Wow, I’d be shocked if PM worked on a cruise ship without a US Roaming plan. I have no problems paying for a roaming plan if it includes roaming on what we all know as a very expensive maritime cellular network. It allows me to stay in touch with great call clarity. 


The one one thing I did notice with my iPhone was if I left it on automatic carrier detection it didn’t always join. I toggled this setting on and off once and it joined Cellular at Sea. I’m not sure if this has to do with competing cellular providers when we’re in port but once back on open sea the Cellular at Sea signal persisted without having to toggle on and off again. Hope that helps the next PM cruiser. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

If i remember correctly you I did not even need to purchase the roaming package on the last cruse i was on.  the PM sim would join the network and I could make and receive calls no problems.   the crasy thing postpaid customers would have to pay an arm and a leg ($7/min telus) to use cellular at sea.  but with PM being prepaid there are no charges.


this was my original thread about cell service at sea

Mayor / Maire

@pm_kev wrote:

I’m on a Princess Cruise from Florida to Caribbean. I purchased a talk/text/data bundle for myself and a talk/text package for my wife. Both phones were able to join the ship’s Cellular at Sea network and worked perfectly with talk and text. Very impressed as it is much cheaper than the roaming charges from Telus/Rogers

That's good to know, one less roadblock to staying on the grid on vacation.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I’m on a Princess Cruise from Florida to Caribbean. I purchased a talk/text/data bundle for myself and a talk/text package for my wife. Both phones were able to join the ship’s Cellular at Sea network and worked perfectly with talk and text. Very impressed as it is much cheaper than the roaming charges from Telus/Rogers

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

$30/day to use wifi?  wow that crazy.  once tey get you aboard i guess everything costs an arm and a leg.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Our cruise had it available, and it was strong throughout the ship.  Didn't use it, but the wifi indicators were always full bars.  There was a 29.99 USD per diem to use it.  We used free wifi when off ship at cafe's & such to check e-mail & post facebook updates.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@timmmmeh wrote:

Not intending to be "that guy", but we were on an Azamara Cruise ship in Dec'17 and it had some localized cellular device - that charged an astronomical amount. 19.99 / mb roaming.


Full disclosure - I've been poking around here looking to switch from Rogers, as I'm being wildly overcharged over there.

Oh nice, hope you're finding answers to any questions you might have (more people should be doing what you're doing).


Question for you - I've never gone on a cruise but thinking about it - is WiFi more/less available on all cruise lines now?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Not intending to be "that guy", but we were on an Azamara Cruise ship in Dec'17 and it had some localized cellular device - that charged an astronomical amount. 19.99 / mb roaming.


Full disclosure - I've been poking around here looking to switch from Rogers, as I'm being wildly overcharged over there.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Most likely the PM sim will not work outside Canadian and US (with add-on) coverage further off shore and probably not at all around shore and inland coverage in other countries.

If you're looking for near shore and inland coverage just get a global sim or rely on wifi if that's sufficient.

If you're looking for at sea coverage then use onboard wifi if available as @Mana suggested, the only other option to have coverage is a sat phone/device. 

Mayor / Maire

@AdaljaB, there is no service or signal on Carribean cruise. 


I would suggest just forget the phone and enjoy your vacation. 


If there is wifi in the cruise then maybe you can download a free app called fongo and get a local number to call or text back home. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I did not have any service (voice/txt) at sea or at the ports during our Caribbean (RCL) cruise in November of this year. There was signal in the US and I was able to receive text messages but not send or call because I did not purchase the roaming add-on.
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