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Phone number not accepted during activation

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm trying to activate and move my phone number across but keep getting response "Please enter a valid Canadian phone number". But it is! And I've checked it's correct


Contact a CSA...they can tell you what step your port is in.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sigh! Cell phone service monopoly in the north!


Thanks for all your help and research.

Not applicable

@kaselkirk wrote:

At the moment I'm getting service through Bell on this number.


But do I understand that it can't be transferred to PM?




if you want to come to public mobile you can getting New number, if you like..

yup.. i should ahve said that..


Dawson City has only Bell and Northwestel.  You can only port your number to another carriers that have a rate centre in that city   Dawson City has only Bell and Northwestel, so, these are your only choice if you are keeping your number


For example, should your number be in Yellowknife, you would have choice of Northwestel, Iristel, Telus, Bell, SSi

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

At the moment I'm getting service through Bell on this number.


But do I understand that it can't be transferred to PM?



@kaselkirk   if you check that page.. Telus has rate centre in own Yellowknife and Whitehorse with these phone numbers:


867686TELUS Mobility8303In ServiceYellowknife 
867687TELUS Mobility8303In ServiceWhitehorse 
867688TELUS Mobility8303In ServiceYellowknife 
867689TELUS Mobility8303In ServiceWhitehorse




993 is a rate centre in Dawson City .. you are Northwestel or Bell customer (or at least some small retailer using NorthWestel and Bell, i guess) 


With your phone number, you cannot really port your number anywhere else, Northwestl and Bell, as only these 2 have rate centres there


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm in the Yukon 867-993...


Looks like I'm not eligible, but would be interested to know why



@kaselkirk @kaselkirk  Most number can be ported but not all.. it depends if Telus , owner of PM, has a "rate centre" for where the number located .  That's why give me the area code + first 3 digits and we can help to lookup

Not applicable

@kaselkirk wrote:

Thanks, I'm waiting to hear back from the Service Agent.


So hope I can keep my phone number. I hadn't realized there was a possibility that it wouldn't be accepted. If I can't keep it, I'll not be moving over to PM


  • Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, will Response to your inbox by private message 
  • During business hours, we strive to answer customer messages swiftly. You will often get an answer within an hour. During peak periods, you may need to wait up to 48 hours.Customer Support Agents are available:
    • Monday to Sunday: 6 AM to 10 PM EST
    • Note: For public mobile No Support by phone call or Email.. only by CS_Agentprivate message..

    Check your private message inbox (click on the envelope top right of your screen)


the will help you don't worry, from which company your porting !!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks, I'm waiting to hear back from the Service Agent.


So hope I can keep my phone number. I hadn't realized there was a possibility that it wouldn't be accepted. If I can't keep it, I'll not be moving over to PM


@kaselkirk   Not all number could be ported into PM .  Do you mind to give me your area code and the first 3 digits of the phone number  I can tell you why not  🙂


Also, you can confirm the eligibility once again here:



Mayor / Maire

@kaselkirk wrote:

I'm trying to activate and move my phone number across but keep getting response "Please enter a valid Canadian phone number". But it is! And I've checked it's correct


Is your account with your old provider still active?


Try doing the activation again using a browser in private/incognito mode.

If still not working, you can choose a temporary PM number and do the transfer later from your self-serve account.

Not applicable


if you Transferring A Number From TELUS, Koodo Or PC Mobile?

If you wish to transfer an existing number from TELUS Prepaid, TELUS Postpaid, or Koodo Postpaid, the process will be the same as transferring in from a different carrier (see instructions above).If you wish to transfer an existing numbering from Koodo Prepaid or PC Mobile, you will need to first complete your activation with a new number, then reach out to our Customer Support Agents here link, in order to transfer your existing number to Public Mobile.


Choosing Or Transferring A Phone Number During Activation (

Not applicable


also you can chat live with agent Online Activation Assistance (



but you can Activated with temporary number and after that you have to contact CSA. to them Transferring your old Phone Number...

Not applicable


i suggest you close all Browser and do clear cache and cookies for any Browser,

and try open one Browser incognito mode,

or try it for a different Browser and open incognito mode,

how to open Browser incognito mode visit Here link,

how to clear cache and cookies and History visit Here link,

and use a Browser from your computer,is better

use Browser microsoft edge or chrome latest version
and just make sure your Browser is up to date update
sometime is the Browser is not update is give a issue.

how to update your Browser visit Here link, 

and Restart your computer, is will help a lot,


and if you use a home internet take your power internet off for about

a 1 minute and put it back on,to refreshing your network,


Eligibility Check if your existing number is eligible to move visit Here link 


if you stuck with Transferring your old Phone Number,


Here’s how to contact Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent,

  • you need to send a private message to Customer Support Agent by CS_Agent, by Click Here link


  • please include in your message,
  • phone number,
  • which carrier,
  • Check your private message inbox (click on the envelope top right of your screen)


Good Luck and your welcome to Public Mobile

you will be very happy..with a Beautiful Service..

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