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Partial Refund for changing plan

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



My renewal monthly payment was 29th Dec, but today Jan 2nd 2019 I changed my plan. At 29th Dec I paid $30, and today I paid $35 for a new plan. 


I wonder if I can get the partial refund that I had already paid.


Thanks in advance.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sorry Bud, you're out of luck.  That's money down the drain.  I was cautioned against this just yesterday... there is a way in the self-service to set-up  your plan to change at the beginning of the next cycle.  


Under plans and add-ons.  Select change plan. 


When you find hte plan you wish to choose, you have the option at the bottom of the page to "change on next renewal".



@popping wrote:


PM service is a prepaid service.  There is no refund for prepaid service by any Canadian mobile provider including PM. 

What I'm going to mention isn't exactly a refund, but rather an account credt, but Freedom/Wind Mobile has always prorated prepaid/"Pay Before" plans when you change plans mid-cycle.  In fact, back in the beginning, the did the proration to the exact day, just as with postpaid/"Pay After" accounts.  After a while (I want to say a couple of years or so), they started doing the proration for Pay Before customers in a customer-unfriendly fashion.  They started ronding down for prepaid refund of the old plan, but then would round up for how much they would charge for the new plan.  The rounding was done in blocks of 10 days, so this meant that if you had 19 days left in your old plan, you would only get credited for 10.  This meant an overlap of potentially up to 10 days that you would be charged for both plans.


But, there it is.  Freedom does give a partial refund in the form of account credit to prepaid customers who choose to change plans mid-cycle.  Unfortunately, Public Moble does not officially offer any type of compesation for the time lost from the old plan.



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


PM service is a prepaid service.  There is no refund for prepaid service by any Canadian mobile provider including PM.  When you switch plan inside a 30 days cycle, you will be charged with the cost of the new plan.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

No. Once you change plans your old plan is forefitted.  You could have done a future dated change to avoid the immigrate change.

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