12-22-2018 04:11 PM - edited 01-05-2022 02:52 AM
Sent mod team a message yesterday and not even so much as a confirmation that they recieved my plea for help. My SO's phone has had no outgoing for 4 days now and I guess she's just supposed to grin and bare it? When PM says support is online..
Where? This whole site is a convoluted mess of customers trying to get a 1$ off their bill by posting nonsense that does nothing for real problems. And don't tell me go to a different provider because Telus towers are my only choice and post paid bites donkey balls. Why is there no chat with support button? That is online.
12-22-2018 07:09 PM - edited 12-22-2018 07:31 PM
@Gwaiiguy wrote:Sent mod team a message yesterday and not even so much as a confirmation that they recieved my plea for help. My SO's phone has had no outgoing for 4 days now and I guess she's just supposed to grin and bare it? When PM says support is online..
Where? This whole site is a convoluted mess of customers trying to get a 1$ off their bill by posting nonsense that does nothing for real problems. And don't tell me go to a different provider because Telus towers are my only choice and post paid bites donkey balls. Why is there no chat with support button? That is online.
If there's a problem with your account, only the moderators can fix it. There really isn't anything that the community members can say to help. The regular users here do not work for Public Mobile.
In the end, when a customer has an issue with his or her acocunt, everything must be done through private messaging with the mods anyway. Posting a message in these forums is really only for asking general questions or for discussion purposes, or if the customer isn't sure if the problem is with the phone's hardware or the service itself.
But, when customers are waiting extended periods of time for help from customer service, clearly, there's room for improvement.
The only thing that I can think of because you say outgoing phone calls don't work, would be check to make sure that your phone isn't locked on to only LTE networks. Of course, that would also make it so that incoming calls don't work either. The reason for that being that phone calls don't work on the LTE network. This is a very remote possibily since phones don't just change settings by themselves (unless there's strange software bug). Also making that very unlikely is the fact that phones these day (Android at least) don't usually have an "LTE ony" setting in the regular menus, but only a fastest network type setting. One would have to go in to the advanced hidden menus on many current phones to set to LTE only, so I very much doubt that's the case here.
12-22-2018 06:47 PM
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Carld123 wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Carld123 wrote:
@Gwaiiguy wrote:Yeah move on to clogging other threads. Thank you.
You dont give up....one last dig..lol..this could go on and on...who is clogging threads? Go to the lounge and talk about the wind............
@Carld123I was the one that asked about the weather there as I have been there and know that it gets crazy stormy up there. I am not sue why you continue to post in this thread.
@ShawnC13 i can read and follow posts...yours was not the last one aimed at me..
so...thats my explanation...i wont post anymore if you dont...simple solution...end of...
@Carld123You are right you can but the help and value of a community based service is as good as the information provided and I didn't read anything that added value to the thread except posts that could anger someone who is already in an angry state becaue their service they have paid for is not working. So of course the people are coming here already a little angry and looking for support or ideas to fix the situation not a "move on" post.
As well when you respond you are responding within the post you are quoting so it looks like your post is a part of that post and not out on its own.
@ShawnC13....ok...end of...like i said before...no need for you to tell me how it is..or should be...I was done as said..being quiet..then here we go again....merry xmas....
12-22-2018 06:40 PM
@Carld123 wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Carld123 wrote:
@Gwaiiguy wrote:Yeah move on to clogging other threads. Thank you.
You dont give up....one last dig..lol..this could go on and on...who is clogging threads? Go to the lounge and talk about the wind............
@Carld123I was the one that asked about the weather there as I have been there and know that it gets crazy stormy up there. I am not sue why you continue to post in this thread.
@ShawnC13 i can read and follow posts...yours was not the last one aimed at me..
so...thats my explanation...i wont post anymore if you dont...simple solution...end of...
@Carld123You are right you can but the help and value of a community based service is as good as the information provided and I didn't read anything that added value to the thread except posts that could anger someone who is already in an angry state becaue their service they have paid for is not working. So of course the people are coming here already a little angry and looking for support or ideas to fix the situation not a "move on" post.
As well when you respond you are responding within the post you are quoting so it looks like your post is a part of that post and not out on its own.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
12-22-2018 06:34 PM
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Carld123 wrote:
@Gwaiiguy wrote:Yeah move on to clogging other threads. Thank you.
You dont give up....one last dig..lol..this could go on and on...who is clogging threads? Go to the lounge and talk about the wind............
@Carld123I was the one that asked about the weather there as I have been there and know that it gets crazy stormy up there. I am not sue why you continue to post in this thread.
@ShawnC13 i can read and follow posts...yours was not the last one aimed at me..
so...thats my explanation...i wont post anymore if you dont...simple solution...end of...
12-22-2018 06:23 PM
@Carld123 wrote:
@Gwaiiguy wrote:Yeah move on to clogging other threads. Thank you.
You dont give up....one last dig..lol..this could go on and on...who is clogging threads? Go to the lounge and talk about the wind............
@Carld123I was the one that asked about the weather there as I have been there and know that it gets crazy stormy up there. I am not sue why you continue to post in this thread.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
12-22-2018 06:19 PM
4 pages and like 3 posts of someone actually helping. Proves my point about fodder huh? Thank you @ShawnC13 for actual contribution.
12-22-2018 06:16 PM
Wow. Just wow.
12-22-2018 06:13 PM
@Gwaiiguy wrote:Yeah move on to clogging other threads. Thank you.
You dont give up....one last dig..lol..this could go on and on...who is clogging threads? Go to the lounge and talk about the wind............
12-22-2018 06:10 PM
Yeah move on to clogging other threads. Thank you.
12-22-2018 06:06 PM
12-22-2018 06:03 PM - edited 12-22-2018 06:04 PM
Move on is a useless post. Especially when the very first post asked not to tell me move on. @ShawnC13
12-22-2018 06:03 PM
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Carld123 wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Carld123 wrote:
@Gwaiiguy wrote:@Yeah yeah another useless move on post.. just what's needed. Smh @Carld123 @Gwaiiguy im usually nice with my responses..but in this case ..YOU are the useless move...port away.....
@Carld123, no need for posts like this you have the option to not respond rather than make the unnecassry comments
@ShawnC13..until someone calls your comments useless...lol..
@Carld123, it happens to all of us that is when you just move on and help the next person
12-22-2018 06:01 PM
It's been 90 to 100 km
for the last 24 hrs.we will be 100% renewable by 2022 is the plan for power.
12-22-2018 06:01 PM
@Carld123 wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Carld123 wrote:
@Gwaiiguy wrote:@Yeah yeah another useless move on post.. just what's needed. Smh @Carld123 @Gwaiiguy im usually nice with my responses..but in this case ..YOU are the useless move...port away.....
@Carld123, no need for posts like this you have the option to not respond rather than make the unnecassry comments
@ShawnC13..until someone calls your comments useless...lol..
@Carld123, it happens to all of us that is when you just move on and help the next person
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
12-22-2018 05:57 PM
@ShawnC13 wrote:
@Carld123 wrote:
@Gwaiiguy wrote:@Yeah yeah another useless move on post.. just what's needed. Smh @Carld123 @Gwaiiguy im usually nice with my responses..but in this case ..YOU are the useless move...port away.....
@Carld123, no need for posts like this you have the option to not respond rather than make the unnecassry comments
@ShawnC13..until someone calls your comments useless...lol..
12-22-2018 05:55 PM
@Gwaiiguy wrote:I measured 150km in my back yard 2 days before south coast got it and no power for 3 days.
It is diesel generation up there isn't it? Must have a lot of the distribution lines down. WOW 150!! Stay safe it is a beautiful place
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
12-22-2018 05:54 PM
I measured 150km in my back yard 2 days before south coast got it and no power for 3 days.
12-22-2018 05:52 PM
@Gwaiiguy wrote:@ShawnC13@Says what it should.
Well if you tried the lost/stolen trick and that didn't work and the plan says active the only other non moderator thing you could do is to add $1 to the account and see if that refreshes it (some have had success doing this) Other than that sorry I am our of ideas and you will need to wait for the moderators to respond. Did the Island get hit hard with the storm we got down here on the Vancouver Island? I work for DND and have been up to the "Elephant Cage" in Masset a few times. Was lucky to be up there when winds were just over 130Km/h once
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
12-22-2018 05:51 PM
12-22-2018 05:49 PM - edited 12-22-2018 05:52 PM
Edited... my bad I'm having difficulty the @ button
12-22-2018 05:48 PM
@ShawnC13@Says what it should.
12-22-2018 05:47 PM
@Gwaiiguy wrote:Status as in what plan shows? It looks all normal like it should from what I can tell. 40$ 3g freelly talk and text
On the overview page it will have a box like this
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
12-22-2018 05:43 PM - edited 12-22-2018 05:44 PM
Status as in what plan shows? It looks all normal like it should from what I can tell. 40$ 3g freelly talk and text
12-22-2018 05:42 PM
12-22-2018 05:42 PM
12-22-2018 05:41 PM
@Carld123 wrote:
@Gwaiiguy wrote:@Yeah yeah another useless move on post.. just what's needed. Smh @Carld123 @Gwaiiguy im usually nice with my responses..but in this case ..YOU are the useless move...port away.....
@Carld123, no need for posts like this you have the option to not respond rather than make the unnecassry comments
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
12-22-2018 05:39 PM
@ShawnC13 yes. No.
12-22-2018 05:38 PM
Accusations???? Gimme a break. And is this not a new thread? See any solution? Me niether.check and mate.
12-22-2018 05:38 PM
@Gwaiiguy wrote:I'm not reivving an old thread. I'm linking to info about my problem, Sir.
You did revive an old thread by posting in it and we didn't know what your issue was until you linked to it. Have you tried the lost stolen method I mentioned? Did the plan recently renew and that is when the calling stopped?
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
12-22-2018 05:35 PM - edited 12-22-2018 05:35 PM
@Gwaiiguy wrote:@krazykiwi@@@@@@did what is recommended and searched for my problem. Found a similar and added to it. On another note... Ever try to backspace an "at" symbole from mobile not possible with mine?! Just ads ads another after keyboard disappears.
This is exactly what I am trying to tell you. By posting to an old post (the one you linked to) you did not receive all the recommendations that are possible. Instead you started a new topic (like you should have done the first time) and then proceeded to rant and make accusations full of disrespect.